Online Profits In 7 Days 


I’d first like to thank you for reading  my Online Profits In 7 Days 

training course. I know that this system works and if you use the 

tips I will be sharing with you, then I know that it will work for you 


The main purpose of the training is to show you in every detail what 

I do to make a profit with each campaign I set up, within 7 days. So 

I will show you each step and what you must do on that day. Most 

steps don’t take too long and can easily be fitted in around your 

normal day to day duties.

It took me quite a long time to test and tweak this system, so you 

are getting many hours of my hard work right here and now. Some 

things may look simple but don’t ignore them. Just follow each step 

exactly as I show you.

Each campaign should generate a small amount of profit each week. 

It you then combine that with a new campaign each week, that is 

52 campaigns all earning money in just 12 months time.

When you have that, you have serious income potential. 

So that’s enough talking for now, let’s get straight into the steps…                                  

Day 1

So it is day 1 of your first week, what exactly are you going to do 


Well it can be described in just one word – RESEARCH.

Yes it may sound boring but this is by far the most important step 

of the whole process. Get this wrong and you just won’t make any 

money whatsoever. Get it right and you’ll be laughing all the way to 

the bank!

We are going to look at what subject to create our campaign on, 

what keywords would be best to target and finally what affiliate 

programs we can promote to earn money with.

So the first step is: 

Choosing A Subject

There are no exact ways to choose a guaranteed winner when 

picking your subject. If there was I would be a millionaire many 

times over!

But what there are, are certain key things to look out for and follow. 

Here is my golden rule of picking a subject:

Find a market where there is a problem, and then give them 

the solution.

Sounds too simple right?

Well you would be surprised at just how many times people get this 

so wrong. Every market has problems of some sort. People want to 

fix something, remove something, improve something and if you 

can show them how they can do it fast, they will pay to buy a 

product. When they do this you earn money.

Let’s take a quick look at the Clickbank Marketplace:                                

Have a look through the categories and look at the best sellers in 

each category. These products sell thousands of copies. Buyers are 

looking to:

Lose Weight 

Build Muscle 

Improve Their Golf 

Remove Acne 

Cure Panic Attacks

They all have a problem that they want to fix. That is what you are 

looking for when choosing your subject.

More importantly you want to drill down and find a mini problem 

that you may not have heard of before. There is no point trying to 

target the term “improve my golf swing” because there will be 

thousands of people already targeting that phrase. But if you find 

when doing your keyword research (in the next step) that people 

are searching for “how to correct my backswing” then you will have 

less competition but they would still benefit from the product you 

will recommend to them.

So your aim is to find problems that people have, then give them 

the ideal solution to their problem which will be in the form of an 

ebook or physical product to buy.

A 100% free service that may help you here is called Niche A Day. 

Each day they send you a niche and list of keywords to check out                                  

and it is well worth your time to subscribe to it. You’ll discover so 

many niches you would never even think about before!

Choosing Your Keywords

So you should now have at least an idea of a subject you want to 

find more information on. It’s time to find some keywords that we 

will be targeting with our lenses.

So let’s head over to the Google Keyword Tool and see what we can 

find. We’ll stick with the golf example to find our keywords and 

search for the term “golf swing”.

Once we click on “Get keyword ideas” it gives us the keywords, 

which we then sort by Average Search Volume and Exact Match.                                 

What we do then is scroll down the list from top to bottom and look 

for keywords that are problem related. Here are just a few I can 

pick out:

These are people who have problems with their swing and are 

looking for ways to correct the problem. Now although they might 

not be getting a lot of searches each month, it doesn’t need many 

of them for us to make money. Look for keywords with more than 

50 searches a month if possible but if the keyword is a real buying 

keyword such as “product to help me cure my acne” then that                                  

would be a winner even though there would be less than 50 

searches a month.

The more urgent the problem – the more eager the person is to 

solve it – the easier it is for them to pay for the solution.

Ideally you want to find keywords that contain 3 words or more 

because we will able to rank higher in the search engines with our 

lenses for these keywords.

You need a minimum of 5 keywords before you move onto the next 

step. These should all be related to one particular problem because 

then we can find just one product to help solve these issues.

The more micro and specific the problem is, the better. 

Finding A Product

So you now have identified a problem in the particular niche 

market, let’s take a look and find a product to solve it.

The first place to look is the Clickbank Marketplace again. Type in 

your main keywords and see what gets returned. If there is a 

product that can solve the problems you have identified then you 

have a winner.

So we type in “golf swing” and take a look through the listings that 

are returned:                                

We then visit each website and make sure it solves our problems 

and also looks a professional site.

When you have found one that is a match, write it down for later. 

If you cannot find a product in Clickbank, then try using other

affiliate programs such as, Amazon or even eBay. Physical 

products can sell just as well as digital products.

So that is now the end of day 1. You should have identified a 

market, chosen your keywords and have a product to promote. 

Let’s move on to day 2.                                 

Day 2

Today we are going to create our Squidoo lenses and submit them 

to various sites, so that they get indexed in Google very quickly. We 

will create one lens per keyword and also create a new account for 

each lens, so that they are all separate.

Here are some important points about creating your Squidoo 


#1 – Always put the main keyword in the name (URL) of your lens. 

This is crucial to make sure you get good rankings in Google.

#2 – The main keyword also needs to be in the Title of the lens and 

in the first module on the lens.

#3 – You should also have a link somewhere on the lens that is the 

main keyword. This can link to your affiliate product or even to 

another one of your lenses.

#4 – In relation to the above, once you have created your 5 lenses 

you should then go back into them and place a link from one to the 

next one. Use the main keyword of the lens you are linking to as 

the actual anchor text.

So let’s head over to Squidoo:                                  

Type in one of your main keywords into the “I want to make a page 

about…” box. For this example, let’s use one of our golf keywords. 

So we type in “Correct Golf Swing”.

We then fill in the options on Step #1:

Click continue and move onto Step #2. Fill in the fields as requested 

by Squidoo. Try to sound friendly and be informative in what you 


Next step you will see this screen:

Just click on “Publish my page now”. 

You’ll then see this screen:                                  

It is absolutely vital that you use your main keyword in the title 

AND URL of the page. If your main keyword is already taken, then 

you could insert a number or another word in the URL.

In this example, we managed to get Correct-Golf-Swing-Tips as our 

URL. Which is still very good.

Click on Go Publish and you’ll get to the last screen:                                  

As you’ll be setting up various lenses, you should use a free email 

address service such as gmail. Also try to make your username 

relate to the subject of your keyword, as this makes you look more 


Once you’ve filled in the fields, click on Publish at the bottom again 

and your lens will be created:

You should now go back into your account and add some more 

content to your lens that is related to your keyword. This doesn’t 

have to be hundreds of words, just some useful tips or information. 

You can make it look more attractive by adding pictures or even 

video modules too.

And don’t forget the most important part – towards the top of 

your lens (and maybe even at the bottom) add some information 

and/or a picture of your affiliate product. Be sure to include your 

affiliate link and test it on your lens.

Getting Indexed

Once you have your lenses published, it is now time to let Google 

know you have made them.

This is a simple process and will only take a couple of minutes. The 

way to do it is to submit our RSS feed from the lenses to various 

sites. If you don’t know what an RSS feed is, it is just a different                                  

format of showing your content. It can be read by people with RSS 


To find your feed, just look at the sidebar of your lens and you’ll see 

this column:

If you hover over the RSS icon, that is the URL to your feed. Just 

copy it and head over to the following sites and submit your feed to 


You can also bookmark the lens in 2-3 social bookmarking sites but 

don’t over do it. You want Google to find it but not see lots of 

instant links pointing to it because that isn’t natural.                                 

Day 3

Today we are going to write some articles and submit them to

The reason for this is simple, it is another authority link for Google 

to follow to make sure our lenses get indexed but it will also get 

some traffic to our lenses. This is because Ezinearticles ranks well in 

Google for thousands of articles on different subjects.

So we will write an article for each lens and submit it to

Ezinearticles. Each one has to be a minimum of 250 words each and 

you should aim for around 350 words. You should also write a bio 

box which includes a link to your lens. This should give the reader a 

good reason to visit your lens. Some thing like:

Visit our Squidoo lens for more information about improving your 

golf swing. We have lots of free tips and videos that will improve 

your swing today! –

Once you have created and submitted them, it normally takes a few 

days for them to be included in the site.                                  

Day 4

Today is quite an easy day. We are going to check whether our 

lenses are indexed in Google or not. Ideally they should have been 

picked up by now.

So head over to Google and type in the URL of your lens in the 

following format:

You should add the prefix of site: in front of the www. of your lens. 

This tells us that our lens is not indexed yet. If it shows your lens as 

a result, then you have been indexed.

If you have been indexed, then try searching for the main keyword 

for the lens in Google. If you can find your lens in the top 20 then 

this is a great start and we can work on increasing your positions.

If you haven’t been indexed, don’t worry your time will come!                                  

Day 5

Today we are going to add some more content to our lenses.

As you may or may not know, Google loves unique content. So 

today we will give them some. We are going to use one of the Text 

Modules to add a couple of paragraphs of information about our 

main keywords.

Ideally, each new piece of content should be 150-300 words in 

length. You could even add a new video or image too. You basically 

just want to let Google know that you are constantly updating your 

lens as this will increase your positions in their index.

Once you have added your new content, submit your lens RSS feed 

again to:

That should ensure Google finds the new content very quickly.                                  

Day 6

Today we will get some more links to our lenses.

We are going to create a Hub Page for each lens and place a link to 

our Squidoo lenses on each one. We will also include our affiliate 

product on each lens too.

This is effective for 2 reasons:

1 – It gives us another authority link, so Google will see our lens as 

more important.

2 – Hub Pages rank high in Google too, so we can get traffic to our 

Hub Page, which will result in people clicking our affiliate link or 

visiting our lenses.

We will set them up similar to our lenses, with unique content 

modules and of course, the main keyword in the title and URL or 

each hub.                                  

Day 7

By now our lenses should be indexed in Google and getting traffic. 

If you look at the stats section of your lenses you will see how many 

people have been to your lens and where they came from.

This is a great way to find new ideas for content for your lens. If 

you look at the actual keywords people are using to find your lens, 

you can see if you have any information on it. If you have just 

mentioned it once for instance, you should write another content 

module which includes some of these keywords.

You can basically keep creating content or even brand new lenses 

on these keywords. Of course they must be 100% relevant to your 

affiliate product and if so just keep expanded on your niche.

By doing this you can quickly dominate the niche faster than 

anyone else because you are finding out exactly what your target 

customers are wanting and you are creating content that helps 


This is far more effective than using keywords from any keyword 


So write down any keywords that are relevant and you haven’t 

already used and save them for later. You can then keep adding this 

new content onto existing or new lenses on regular occasions. This 

keeps your lens updated which Google loves.                                  

What You Have Just Learned

What you have just learned is my effective way of finding profitable 

niches and exploiting them for free using Squidoo.

You now have the knowledge to find the right keywords to target for 

people desperately wanting to solve a problem. You know what to 

create to get them to your lens and you know how to find the 

products that would help them solve their problem.

If you think about it, it really is win-win all round. You are helping 

people find the exact solution to their issues, whilst at the same 

time earning money from the product owner.

By using this system I have managed to make profits in just 7 days 

in some of my niches. The more time you spend on your research in 

finding these problems that people are desperate to solve, the 

quicker you will begin making money.

It really is as simple as that.

Just keep creating these campaigns on a weekly basis and before 

you know it, you’ll be earning affiliate commissions every single 


That is what happened to me and there is no reason why it can’t 

happen to you too. Just keep expanding on your keywords and 

moving into new niches.

I can almost guarantee you will find one that will be a winner and 

you wouldn’t even share it with your closest friends!                                  


So we’ve come to the end.

As I have just mentioned, you really do have all the information you 

now need to create your own affiliate income which could rival your 

current day job income.

Just put it to good use and it would be virtually impossible to fail. 

Take your time doing the research, find desperate keywords, add a 

product that solves their problems and VOILA! You have a winning 

campaign right there.