Table of Contents 


2.It All Begins With

3.The Dirty Little Word

4.Power Networking 

5.Instant Contact 

6.Linking In, Linking Out 

7.Social Push






If you’re reading this report, chances are that you want to make money 

in the lucrative and exciting world of blogging. You’re eager to join the 

ranks 6-figure blogging professionals who provide quality content to an 

ever-growing market. 

So, you set out to build a great looking blog and begin to populate it 

with well-crafted content that touches down on topics that you believe 

are important to your target audience. Perhaps you’ve outsourced the 

work to qualified and experienced writers, or you’ve written it yourself. 

Either way, you have ensured that you are offering highly-sought after 

information that you know people will find useful. 

Then you hit publish and sit back, waiting for the traffic to pour in.  

There’s no possibly way that your content won’t attract hundreds of 

visitors, right? After all, you have worked hard on your content and you 

know that it’s exactly what your target market is looking for. 



Creating engaging content is only the first step in building a website 

that will generate ongoing profit, but there’s far more to profitable 

blogging than that.  

Content is the foundation of your business and while it’s certainly one 

of the most important components in constructing a website that will 

rank high in the search engines and attract visitors, if you really want to 

make money in the world of blogging, you need to learn the insider 

strategies to generating targeted traffic that will result in ongoing 


Makes sense, right? Without strong traffic funnels in place that are 

working nonstop to drive in fresh traffic, recruit potential customers 

and connect with readers, it doesn’t matter how informative or useful 

your content is.  Not enough people will be reading it! 

If you’ve ever tried to make money in the world of blogging, you 

already know this.  What you may not know is that it’s exceptionally 

easy to jumpstart your website so that you are driving in quality traffic 

that converts!  This report will provide you with proven, 

straightforward techniques that will help you get started quickly and 


Better yet, all of the traffic generation strategies featured within this 

special report are absolutely FREE!  So, you can activate as many as you 

wish at absolutely no cost to you. 

It doesn’t get better than this! 

Are you ready?  Let’s begin. 



2. It All Begins With… 


Yes, I know that I just said that content is the foundation of your blog 

and not the entire structure but the strength of your blog relies on the 

quality of your content as well as the type of content you are offering. 

When you are just starting out as a blogger, it’s easy to slap up content 

quickly, and then focus most of your time on driving traffic to your 

website. Far too many bloggers fail to realize that the driving force 

behind creating powerful traffic funnels that consist of repeat visitors 

relies exclusively on the quality of the content you offer. 

If you focus first on building pages that feature informative, in-demand, 

relevant and targeted content, your blog will have stronger legs to 

stand on. That killer content will empower your traffic building 

campaigns and ensure that once you have sent a visitor to your 

website, they will connect with your content, respond to your content, 

and return to your website. 

Makes sense, right? 

You want your website visitor’s to be so impressed by the content on 

your blog that they immediately bookmark your website so that they 

can return to it, again and again. You gotta hook ‘em quickly, and 

preferably on their very first visit. 

So, what kind of content is most successful?  

The kind of content that solves a problem or entertains them.   

Consider your target audience and what they are most interested in, 

worried about, or passionate about.  Content that is designed to fulfill a 

need, answer a question, solve a problem or entertain a specific 

audience is always successful.  And if you explore many established 

blogs in your market you’ll find that their content always falls within 

one (or both) of these two “E” categories: Educational or Entertaining. 

When you focus on creating content that falls into one of these 

categories, you’ll end up with material that is “sticky”, meaning that 

your readers will respond to your content and return to your website 

because it speaks directly to them, is engaging and on target.  


In other words, BULLSEYE! 

You’ll also want to make sure that your content is evergreen. What I 

mean by this is that your content will continue to be relevant for 

months, or years to come, rather than just useful or informative for a 

short span of time.  While it’s smart to use current, buzzworthy news 

(that may be based on time-sensitive events) to drive in traffic, make 

sure that the majority your content is evergreen. 

Pro Tip: Search websites like for commonly asked questions 

in your niche and create blog posts that answer those burning 

questions! This is also a great way to come up with headlines for your 

articles and blog posts. 

Your content also needs to be shareable. You want visitors to link to 

your content, share it via social media, or forward it to their friends. 

Consider integrating infographics or videos into your content so it 

stands out. Anything you can do to be different that will capture 

attention quickly is important. 

Insider Strategy: One quick and easy way to create shareable content is 

by using the powerful Wordpress plugin, PostGopher.  I’ve used this on 

many websites in order to give my visitors the opportunity to create 

downloadable PDF’s out of my content. What better way to connect 

with readers and remind them of my website than by letting them 

download my content so they can read it later!  

You can grab the plugin from  

Go ahead and do that now before you move on. It’s one of the easiest 

ways to maximize exposure and keep your blog in the front of your 

visitor’s mind. 

You’ll also want to blog frequently.  Try to post 2-3 times a week, if 

possible, especially when you are just starting out and your website 

lacks content. The major search engines love fresh content so the more 

often you update your website, the better.   

Pro Tip: Aim for 1,000 words or more when creating blog posts. The 

search engines prefer longer content.  2-2500 words are even better. 

Now, I’m going to mention a dirty word and I don’t want you to throw 

your hands up in the air frantically, okay?  The word is an important 

one when it comes to creating content that will pull in a ton of traffic 

from all of the major search engines.   

You know what word I’m talking about! Keywords! 

Keywords are the fundamental component of an effective search 

engine optimization strategy when done right. And while SEO has 

gotten a bad rap over recent years because of bloggers stuffing 

keywords into their content (to the point where it becomes virtually 

unreadable), if keywords are used correctly they become incredibly 

effective at helping your blog rank higher in the search engines, which 

in turn means maximum exposure. 

I’ll give you the quick rundown on how to use keywords successfully in 

the next chapter, so don’t skip it!  This next bit of information is 

caffeine for your blog. 


3. The Dirty Little Word 




SEO – Search engine optimization: how to do it quickly, easily, and do it 


The easiest way to make absolutely sure that you are using keywords 

appropriately and effectively is to do so in moderation. 

It’s as simple as that. (Yet for some reason, some bloggers are still 

plugging a thousand keywords into their content and then wondering 

why their blogs aren’t ranking!) 

Keyword stuffing is not okay. If your content contains so many 

keywords that it becomes virtually unreadable, search engines will 

instantly recognize what you are trying to do and you’ll end up 

penalized. When that happens, your rank will drop faster than a stone 

in water! 

That being said, including relevant, targeted and intelligent keywords 

within your content so that it helps your page rank higher in search 

engines while not disrupting or affecting user experience is very 

important. If you want your website to be seen by more people and be 

able to tap into the massive number of people that use Google, you 

absolutely need to integrate keywords into your blog content. 

What kind of keywords, you ask? 

Long-tail keywords! 

Long tail keywords consist of 3 or more keywords that form a search 

phrase. For example, “home based business ideas” or “low carb meal 


The reason for using long tail keywords is because those phrases will be 

even more targeted and less competitive than “umbrella keywords” 

that encompass the entire market.  

Imagine trying to rank for the word “low carb” or “weight loss”.  You’d 

struggle to even show up in the first 100 pages of the search results!  

But targeting long tail keyword phrases that drill down into your market 

(and are more likely what a visitor would type into the search engines) 


will enable you to maximize exposure while minimizing the number of 

other websites and blogs that you’re competing against. 

An easy way to come up with long tail keyword ideas for your blog 

content is to visit and start entering in keywords relating to 

your market, such as “low carb”.   

See what shows up as suggested keyword phrases when you’ve entered 

in a few words.  This will provide you with unlimited ideas while 

ensuring you are using keyword phases commonly used by search 

engine users. 


Don’t stop there! Once you have a list of possible long tail keyword 

phrases, enter those into Google as well and drill down even further!  It 

may take a bit of time but once you’ve done this you’ll have a swipe file 

of relevant and highly-targeted keywords to use within your content 

and as titles for your blog posts.  

You could take it even a step further and enter those keyword phrases 

into Google Keyword Planner in order to determine estimated traffic 

based on specific terms:  

And finally, you should install one of the more popular SEO plugins to 

easily set up meta descriptions, sitemaps and all of that other fun stuff!   

Simplify the entire process by downloading a plugin like:  

Pro Tip: Make sure to set up and customize an SEO plugin right away.  

Add in a site title, meta tags and description. Doing this will maximize 

your search engine visibility instantly. 




4. Power Networking 




Do you want to instantly maximize your blog traffic without ever paying 

a dime for the exposure? Then you need to power network. 

Power networking involves working with established blogs within your 

niche market. When you do this you’ll instantly siphon traffic and 

credibility from these blogs and redirect it to your own. 

So, how do you do this?  

You write incredible content on other relevant blogs! 

This is called “guest blogging” and it’s one of the easiest ways to pump 

steady traffic onto your website without investing a single penny. Plus, 

this marketing strategy doesn’t just generate premium traffic to your 

website but it puts you in an authoritative position by simply being 

connected to a reputable blog in your niche market. 

Not to mention the potential for joint venture opportunities with other 



Think about it: You could write content only for your website, but then 

you have to do all the footwork of generating traffic to those pages. 

That can be very effective, sure, but it takes a lot of time.  Not to 

mention, a lot more content. 

OR – you could write killer content for established blogs with more 

traffic than yours and turn their visitors into your own! 

So, how do you find guest blogging opportunities? Search Google! 

Use search terms like:  

keyword “submit a guest post” 

keyword guest blogging” 

keyword accepting guest posts”  

keyword “guest post by”.   

You’ll be able to find countless opportunities just be using search 

strings based on keywords relating to guest blogging. You can also find 

guest posting opportunities by investigating the backlinks from 

competing blogs to see where they have guest posted.   


Use tools such as  or 

to crawl through backlinks, and find other blogs that your competitors 

have written for. 

Another easy way to find guest blogging opportunities is  

Be sure to focus only on blogs that are within your niche market.  You 

can run a quick search on Google by using the query: niche 


If you want to gauge the overall traffic of a blog you are considering 

guest blogging for, run the website through and 

you’ll be able to see a traffic snapshot for each website.  


5.Instant Contact 



One of the most important aspects to building any successful online 

business involves collecting the information from your website visitor’s, 

adding it to a mailing list and then following up with them whenever 

you post new content. 

It’s important to always be focused on building your list so make sure 

you set this up correctly early on so that you don’t lose out on the 

opportunity to connect with visitors. Plugins like make it easy to follow up with visitor’s by 

adding them to a mailing list. 

What should you email your subscribers about? 

Every time you update your blog with fresh content, send out a 

newsletter that links to your new post.  You should also spread out your 

traffic so that you are directing subscribers to other forms of content 

such as your Instagram page, twitter and Facebook.  Consider including 

links within your newsletters to images posted on Instagram and don’t 

be afraid to get personal!  Readers will love seeing photos of your 

everyday life, as well as infographics and other media that is relevant to 

your blog’s theme and content. 

Encourage people to join your list by offering a valuable incentive, such 

as a free report or extra content that isn’t available anywhere else.  It’s 

very easy to build a list of 5-10,000 visitors if you set up a simple system 

that will capture their information and encourage them to connect with 


Then, a few days later, follow up and touch base. Don’t let your list 

grow cold!  Make sure to email your subscribers within one week of 

them subscribing so that you are in the front of their mind and they 

remember you (and how they subscribed to your newsletter).  

Here are a few newsletter services worth checking out: 

Half the cost of most other newsletter providers, fantastic support and 


Cost effective packages for start-up bloggers. 



6.Linking In, Linking Out 

There are 2 quick and easy ways to maximize your traffic and it involves 

link building strategies. 

Linking in:  This involves building links throughout your on-site content 

so that you are helping users navigate your website while improving 

search engine optimization. Linking in also involves generating off-site 

links from authority websites in order to generate traffic instantly. 

Linking Out:  This involves linking to other authority sites in order to 

raise your on-site SEO score. 

Linking in means that you are linking new content to other posts on 

your website whenever possible. For example, if you post new content 

today that ties in with a past post, link to it. Guide visitors throughout 

your website so that they are able to find other relevant content, and 

they’ll stay on your website longer  

Not only will this improve on-site user experience, but it will create an 

internal link structure that will help improve your overall SEO. 

You should also spend some time adding user-generated content to 

various authority domains so that you are able to siphon traffic from 

the websites that will help you rank fast.   

This means you should post content on all of the heavy-hitters such as:, Quora, Yahoo Answers!, Weebly, Scribd and Tumblr. Yes, 

it will take some time but it’s a much faster method to building 

powerful backlinks for your blog than nearly anything else – plus, it’s 

free.  Google views all of these websites as authority sites and you 

know what that means! Your pages will rank far more easily than your 

own self-hosted pages.  

Linking out involves placing links on your website (or within your side 

bar) that lead people to other established, authority blogs in your 


The major search engines love this and so linking to credible sites in 

your niche will not only help your own pages rank better in the search 

engines, but it will also help you build rapport and possibly network 

with other bloggers in your industry.  




7. Social Push 



You’ve probably heard of the potential for unimaginable traffic via 

Facebook advertising, so I’m only going to touch on this briefly. For 

now, forget about paid advertising on Facebook.  Instead, you’ll want to 

focus on building a Facebook page for your blog. 

With a Facebook page, you post content to it just like you would your 

blog. This can include blog posts, videos, and images. To simplify things, 

you can install a free plugin so that every time you update your blog 

with new content, it automatically updates your Facebook page! 

Go ahead and reserve your customized Facebook page URL by creating 

a page here:  

Then, grab the plugin here: 

auto-publish/ (It should take you no more than 10 minutes to install 

and configure, even if you’re brand new.) 

You can also automate your twitter account in a similar way. The key 

really is to automate as much as possible because if you’re anything like 


me, the idea of having to manually update every social media platform 

on a daily basis is overwhelming.   

I use to manage my twitter account but there are 

many different plugins available online that will allow you to schedule 

tweets and keep a pulse on your following. 

The goal right now is to establish a presence on the top social 

platforms, add them to your blog, and incorporate them into your 

marketing campaigns including your newsletters. 

Once you’ve got all of that set up, take things to the next level by 

harnessing the power of push notifications. 

Have you heard of this before? If not, it’s simple a way for you to notify 

your visitors that there is fresh content available on your website. 

And the greatest part is that it’s completely free and totally automated!  

In a nutshell, push notifications direct visitors back to your website on 

complete autopilot by notifying them that you have updated your 

website and that there is new content available to them. 

I use the service of because not only is it free but 

it provides real-time tracking so I can monitor my traffic and visitor 

response rates. also makes it easy to send out A/B split 

message testing so that I can try out different broadcasts in order to 

see what yields the best results.  

And on top of all that? It’s incredibly scalable and supports most 

devices. You’ll really want to take a look at a service like this that will 

encourage your website visitors to return to your blog again, and again.  

Give it a try! 








So now you have a handful of powerful traffic generating techniques to 

jumpstart your blog’s traffic while setting you up for long-term success. 

Begin by building high quality content that includes relevant long tail 

keyword phrases, and then work towards setting up a strong 

foundation for your blog.   

Set up a mailing list via your blog’s navigation system so that it appears 

on every page of your website and begin to capture information from 

your visitor’s so you can follow up with them! 

Then, partner with other blogs by offering to guest post, create your 

social media accounts and start posting killer content!  

You have everything you need to build a successful and profitable blog.  

The next step is to get started. 

I wish you the best of success! 




Here are links to the resources found in this guide: 


SEO Plugin: 

Google Keyword Planner: 

MailerLite: &  

Guest Blogging: and 

Auto Updating Facebook Page: 

Push Notifications: