Overview on Opportunity
Understanding Opportunity
Missed Chances. Sound Familiar?
If I Could Only Give You One Piece of Advice
Yours for The Taking. Will You Take It?
Proof This Concept Will Work for You
Never On Your Own
Something You Can Try Yourself, Right Now
Overview on Online Marketing
Understanding Online Marketing
The Fundamentals of Online Marketing
Why Are You Here?
This Is Real Business, In the Real World
How Your Personality Gets You Noticed
Your Everlasting Resource Reserve
The Good Bits: How Much Cash Is On It’s Way To You?
You Got All the Time In The World
Why We’re All Special
Overview on Success
Top 10 Reasons For Success
Are You Listening To The Right People?
I Bet You Know More Than You Think
Are You Wasting Time Without Even Knowing It?
Avoiding the Dirty Bits. Sound Familiar?
Don’t Listen To The Big Guys. Are You Crazy?
Broken Vase Syndrome Cured Once And For All
Overcoming Your Worries about Success
Why Knowledge Really Is Power in Online Business
Your Own Personal Freebie Magnet
Never On Your Own
Overview on Health
Keeping Your Most Powerful Resource Healthy
Overview on Final Thoughts
A Few Last Words
Monitoring Your Success
3 Factors That Are Hindering Your Progress Right Now
Prepare Yourself for…
Everlasting Ideas for Your Business
The Nuances of Progress
Resources - The Keys to a Quick and Painless Success
Why Mistakes Are Good
I Can’t Because (You Can Because)
The millionaire mindset is often hard to pick up on - normal people from
normal backgrounds going on to be huge successes. What makes them
different from those that don’t make the cut or achieve their goals,
hopes and dreams for the future? Observe carefully and the answers
become clear, what’s more, without increasing your skill at a particular
task you can gain far better results than the norm, just by changing the
way you do them.
Let’s explore the millionaire mindset of the online marketer specifically
over a number of topics, and look at exactly how this affects you and
the way you’re doing business in a most positive way.
Overview on Opportunity
● To demonstrate that to move forward, if you haven't been doing so
recently, something needs to change.
● To show you that no matter how idealistic it sounds, opportunity is
● To display the need to understand such concepts if being a success
at anything is something you want to be.
● To lay the groundwork and introduce the concept of business contacts
for future reports.
● To show you that scientifically, the possibilities of achieving whatever
you want is possible through business contacts and to demonstrate this
process happening as we speak.
● To help explain exactly how you are in complete control of your
situation, now and into the future.
● To display how your situation can change in an instant, and how
you're about to make that happen for yourself.
● To get you up off the chair and creating opportunity for yourself with
the knowledge that it will move your forward towards your goals quickly
and effectively.
● To overcome the fear of not being able to move forward, or being too
far away from your goals, making the job to reach them look huge,
when really, it's nothing more than a few steps away.
Understanding Opportunity
Let me start off by saying that this is report is totally unplanned, it's
coming straight from inside my head, and for good reason. My aim here
is to let you know a little bit about my personal thoughts relating to
opportunity, how I know that this is fact, how it presents itself to you,
how to spot it, and most importantly, how it relates to online marketing
and you as a success. This is not a step-by-step how to, but it's been as
important as ever in getting me to where I am now, and it's likely that it'll
do the same for you if you can keep an open mind.
Missed Chances - Sound Familiar?
I'll be honest, I'm not really a big fan of the whole idea of positive
thinking will get you where you want to be and that kind of stuff. My train
of thought is more that ‘it's not what you know, but who you know’.
Delving into a little bit of reasoning before we get started, let me ask you
a quick question. Have you ever woken up one day and realized that
you totally missed a great opportunity the night before? Maybe it was a
promotion, an opportunity to meet someone really interesting, or failed
to take part in an activity that you wish you would have taken part in?
How about a more long-term view? Let’s say you dwell on something
that's happened in the past that you wish you'd done differently, or
someone you wish you'd met when you had the chance, or anything
relating to missed opportunities.
I’m pretty sure we've all done that, myself included, but have you ever
pondered where you might be if you'd just gone for it and taken up the
offer, or gone ahead with your idea? This is something that I like to look
out for in the online business world and turn it on its head, instead,
looking at the present. All day, every day new opportunities present
themselves, and I think it's really important that an online marketer can
understand when, where and how this happens, and how to take
advantage of it, which we can't do without first being able to spot the
potential that arises from particular situations.
Now, I'm big on making contacts and creating mutual business
partnerships with other marketers that benefit both parties. However, I
rarely see anyone actually make this effort consistently and on a long
term basis, which is a shame, because we'd all have exactly what we
wanted already if we helped each other out a little more.
Let me explain. I read about a scientific study of sorts (that you may or
may not be familiar with) that suggests every single person in the world,
no matter where they are, what country they're in or what language they
speak, is connected and knows you through a chain of seven people.
They took this random hermit type guy that lives a very solitary life in
the mountains of a far off country, and picked out a person in the
London area to test this.
Through research and a little bit of juggling here and there, they
managed to get from this person in London, to the other person living in
the mountains in a far off country with his animals in seven jumps, a
friend of a friend of a friend and so on. My first point here is a very
important one. Whether this theory is dead accurate or not,
opportunities are indeed out there, and you should take a little bit of
time out to see this, and you'll immediately notice that they aren't as far
away as you might think, no matter how desperate the situation.
Lets imagine for a moment, you're an online marketer with a modest
business, earning a couple of thousand dollars a month. How long will it
take you to hit the big time? Who knows, the big contacts and deals that
could catapult you right up there through mutual agreement and benefit
could be just one or two conversations away. Your new business
partner could be waiting for you just around the corner and you could
meet at any time.
If I Could Only Give You One Tip
- It Would Be This
This is my first point to every single online marketer out there. If I had
five minutes to talk to every single person with an online business,
looking for advice, this is what I'd tell them. Opportunities exist, all kinds
of opportunities, things that might not have even been thought about.
They're everywhere and if you want to be a great success, they need to
be taken advantage of at every step.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you'll wake up tomorrow with an email in your inbox that'll answer all your problems, but seriously,
solutions and new partnerships are out there ripe for the taking, which
brings me on to the next point. If you don't take them, someone else
will. Don't wait for them to come to you, get out there and dig them
This is how the big guys out there make things happen. They don't do
things alone, they make their contacts, and they assist each other,
whether it be an intentional, or purely circumstantial meeting, a big
group of people are making sure each other is successful. Let’s take
just ten marketers for example. Each one has ten times more promotion
power, ten times the chance of meeting new contacts to increase their
chances further, ten times the income, and so on. You have to be able
to see the power of this.
Look at it this way. Imagine the room you're sitting in is painted pure
white from top to bottom, floors and all. Now take a thin nib pen, and
draw a small black dot on your wall. This is you. Now take a red pen
and place a small dot above yourself for each one of your friends, then
a blue pen for each one of your friends, friends.
Imagine this process repeating itself again and again, until your wall is
full. See all those dots? Each one is an opportunity, each one a different
person from a different walk of life that you have a chance to meet,
learn from and become mutual successes. Whether they just give you a
new perspective on things, or whether they give you a small helpful tip,
or become your long term business partner, whatever it is, it's there, it's
closer than you think and it's waiting for someone to pick up and take it
to the next level, and at the same time become a success. If that's not
you, it'll be someone else.
Yours for the Taking
To each one of these people you have something to offer, as they no
doubt have something to offer to you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not
suggesting that you should go out and make friends with the whole of
the world’s population, but I really want to make it clear how these
opportunities are there, and they're ready for you to take them in
whatever form you wish.
This is the most important thing that I believe I can show you. If you see
something you like, don't sit back and say Ah that's pretty cool, jump up
and grab it with both hands. It's yours to take right now. Don't hesitate.
Proof This Works
One of the Examples Out of the Pile
One more small analogy and I'll tell you a little story about how this very
site came to be, and most likely many other sites and businesses before
and after it. Imagine you're walking down an isle in a crowded shopping
mall. Who was that person you just brushed arms with? Was it the guy
that's going to tell his friends about your business and what you do,
leading to five new customers? Is this the woman that's going to give
you a free beauty consultation in the future? Is it the guy that's going to
tell his friend about your business, and hook you up with a massive
marketing campaign to their list?
Stop Doing It on Your Own
For Immediate Results.
The potential here is totally massive. Hold up though, there's something
very important that you should know about this connection making
process, and that's that it's give and take. In a business sense, it's likely
you'll be giving them something and they'll be giving you something
valuable in return.
This type of business has been around for so long now. All we're
looking at is trades that are mutually beneficial to each party. One thing
I would like to say before we go any further here, is that I'm talking in a
purely business sense. I don't seriously look at everyone I meet as a
new money making machine, and I don't advise anyone do that either.
All I'm suggesting here, with these rather black and white examples, is
that the opportunity is out there if you're willing to take it and the results
can be huge.
We'll be talking a little later about how to make contacts, and actual
methods of doing so, simply because I believe that it's the path to total
success in whatever you're trying to do. Even if it seems like you're
getting a pay cut of sorts in the short term. Stop trying to do things on
your own, and you'll see the results of a team effort, in long, medium
and short term in terms of both profit and in terms of the advantages
and new opportunity branches that you open up.
Ok, time for a real world example for you, and keep in mind this may
well happen to you, whether it's a similar situation or under totally
different circumstances. How did this very product come to exist? It all
started a while back in the year 2000 when I joined a membership
website by two big name marketers. Nothing major really went on, at
the time I was spending most of my business day just talking to new
people and testing marketing strategies for my own membership site.
Anyway, through just attending some of their consultations and
participating in their community, as well as meeting these two big
marketers, and several others, I also found myself in contact with big list
owners and article writers. Bear in mind I wasn’t actively seeking out
any of this. Now at the time I didn't really see these people as an
opportunity. I was just going with the flow really, meeting, greeting and
talking to people in the same field of business as myself.
Not only did I end up starting sites with two of these people, and almost
starting one with another (we decided it wasn't a viable idea in the end),
but three years later, here's me happily managing my e-zine and
websites, along comes a call from one of them that introduces me to yet
more contacts. “I got this guy here, you may have heard of him, but he
wants to set up this cool sounding site, but I don't have the time for it.
Are you up for that?”
Sure I was, that sounds like a good new opportunity. Off I went, had a
talk to with this new contact, who’d already been talking to the others I’d
met through the same site. The result? This site, 500 sales within a few
weeks, each paying us $500+ for our experience and to talk to our
contacts first hand, and some real great new friends and business
contacts to boot.
Don't get me wrong, this is just an example. Forget how much is earned
and through who and when, I'm not trying to boast here, but what I am
doing is really hammering this home. If you take nothing away from this
site other than this report, I'd be happy in knowing how many options
you've opened up for yourself and will again in the future. As long as
you've picked up this number one point that opportunities are out there.
It's a give and take process, and always mutually beneficial.
I should also point out at this point that what I just gave you was one
example, one single example that bred 10+ new hard-hitting contacts.
This has happened non stop since initial contact with people in my field
of expertise. Just by talking, just by word of mouth, and just by me not
trying to do everything on my own. So let me ask you. Right now, are
you working on your own? Are you open or closed to new contacts?
Next time something comes up that sounds good to you, don't pass it by
and wonder what would have happened if you said yes. Do it, take it up
on the spot and see where it takes you. Next time something comes up
that sounds good to you, remember this story, and your wall painted
with different coloured dots. Think about where different situations could
take you and your business, and most of all, in a business environment,
never expect something for nothing.
Kind of a mutual unsung rule, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
Remember also not to view everyone you meet as an opportunity for
making wads more cash. I'm not about to test this, but I highly doubt it
would do wonders for anybodies social life.
Always on the Lookout: Try It for
Yourself Tomorrow Morning & See
What Happens…
So when you wake up tomorrow, and every day from now on, and a
new situation presents itself, think to yourself: Where could this take
me? What new situations will arise right away, in a year, or even ten
years later? Kind of like viewing your whole life up to this point as one
big long line, one thing led to another, to another, to another, to another
and so on. One thing I do need you to understand though to complete
this concept is that you are in control.
Just like you drew those dots connecting your friends, and their friends’
friends on the wall earlier, if you were to pick any one of them, do you
think you could get yourself acquainted with just a few words through
other friends? Too right you could, but it's up to you to take those steps,
to choose where your line goes next, and to select who you're going to
meet, and ultimately whether or not you're working towards being a
You want it to happen, you go and do it. Like I demonstrated earlier,
understanding you have so much control, everything is in your hands
and it's your choice is the first step to understanding how your going to
move forward. This is totally relevant to your business, no matter how
strange you may think this article is for an online marketing course. I
need you to understand that you are in total control of what you're doing
and what you're going to choose to do in the future.
Always create opportunities for yourself, leave your options open and
you'll never be left stuck in a rut, or left with an unsolvable problem.
Remember, the above example is an extreme one. Your aim isn't to use
everyone you meet. Your aim is to do business as effectively as
Don't be afraid to get involved.
Start Tomorrow and you will see results.
● This section wasn't at all planned. I wanted to give you the essence of
what's going on in my mind every day as I carry out my online marketing
because, even though this is not a direct how to step by step guide, it's
imperative that you understand this before going further.
● Something that I want you to try and do is keep an open mind
throughout the whole course. Be open to new ideas and the new
information that’s coming your way. This is the only way that you'll get
the best out of it and create an abundance of awesome ideas for your
● Myself not being a fan of positive thinking, this section is not related to
that, but rather based around the concept, that it's not what you know,
it's who you know.
● Have you ever woken up one morning and regretted missing an
opportunity, or wondered why you didn't do something the previous
night that you had the chance to do? How about in the longer term? Is
there anything in the past that you wished you'd have done differently
and that just maybe you might have been somewhere else doing
something else because of that? If so, don't worry. Everyone has these
missed opportunities and this section is all about making sure that never
happens again.
● All day, every day new opportunities present themselves to us, and
many don't even notice it happening. We need to wake you up and
open your eyes to this happening around you right now, because
ultimately it will lead to your success.
● The starting point is to understand that you shouldn't do everything on
your own. I have never met anyone successful in the online marketing
world that does not or has not at one time or another used this tactic to
his or her advantage. If you want to be a success, from this point
onwards, I want you to use it too.
● Sometimes you may feel that your goals, hopes and dreams are too
far away for your liking, and it's frustrating because it's going to take too
long to reach them. If we assume that the first step to being a success
is about making contacts, scientifically, everything you want and could
ever want is never more than seven steps away from you.
● An experiment I discovered recently showed a hermit living in isolated
mountains in a far off country, and the challenge was to find someone
from London, England, who knew him using seven steps. A friend of a
friend, of a friend, of a friend, and it was a success.
● Understand right now that opportunities are out there. You need to
open your mind, take a step back and pay attention. If you can do this,
you'll start to see when and where opportunities are presenting
themselves to you. All of which you want to be taking. The big business
contact that could bring two or more of you mutual but massive success
could be just a conversation away.
● I'm not saying you're going to wake up tomorrow with an e-mail in
your inbox solving all your problems, but the potential to solve them is
there. Opportunities in all shapes and forms are ripe and ready for
picking, and if you don't do so, you'll miss out and someone else will
take your spot.
● The power of the opportunity and contact making is immense. Lets
imagine you're a budding new marketer who's made ten contacts by just
being able to see these new opportunities arrive and meeting new
business people. Ten times the income for all of you, ten times the
promotion power, ten times the success. Can you meet ten people in
the rest of your lifetime? If you answered yes, you can be a success.
● See how success isn't actually as far away as you may think. Imagine
you're in a white room. Place a small dot on a wall; this dot is you. Now
place a green dot next to you for friends you have, and next a blue dot
for every friend they have and so on. Before long your room will be
totally covered. Looking at this room full of dots, you can see how easy
it is to start at the bottom of the line, and using this small scientific
technique explained above, you have more potential than you ever
dreamed of.
● On that same note, let me ask you, if you wanted to, could you get an
introduction to your friends friend that you've never met before? I bet
you could with a few words. The same is true with marketing. Everyone
that you want to contact in the future for a mutually successful business
relationship is right there and is reachable through someone you know.
See how your success is closer than it appears?
● On top of this, for even more re-enforcement of how you can put this
effect to good use, is to control it. What did you do when you just asked
your friend earlier for an introduction to another friend? You controlled
who you were meeting. How are you going to be a success in online
marketing? Through the same scientific process of controlling where
you want to go instead of waiting for opportunity to come to you.
● Opportunity can come in all shapes, forms and sizes, it doesn't have
to be just meeting people. Use and apply this technique, take up
everything you can as often as you can, and even though you can't
predict where it's going to lead, at the end of it, you'll always have more
than you started out with. This opportunity spotting and taking is the key
to your success, plain and simple. (We'll also be talking more about this
later, don't worry about specifics for now, just understand the concept,
take it in, and know it exists)
● When you wake up tomorrow and any situation presents itself, any
situation at all, think, where could this take me if I say yes, where could
it take me if I do this instead of watching TV, who could I meet if I go
here instead of taking an extra lie in after a late night. Remember your
friends’ dots that you drew on the wall?
● Where will this take you? Who knows, I don't know, you don't know,
but one thing I can most definitely tell you without a doubt, is that it's
going to take your forwards, towards your goals. Remember, you have
the control here, no one else. It's in your hands and totally down to you.
Always create options and opportunities for yourself in this way, and
you'll never be stuck in a rut, not to mention how you'll immediately see
your rapid forward movement in the direction that you want to be going
● Don't be afraid of change or new things. I need your full attention,
dedication, and an open mind, that's all I ask of you. This alone will
push you in the direction that you want to go in.
Overview on Online Marketing
● To share the base need to know knowledge before moving on to
specific & detailed online marketing techniques.
● To induce the correct mindset for success through answering three
quick questions about yourself, instead of long drawn out positive
thinking and goal setting processes.
● To make sure you know exactly what you're letting yourself in for, why
you're doing this, where you are now, and where you want to be in the
● To decrease anxiety through opening up your mind to doing the
opposite of what you've probably been doing for most of your life as far
as deadline setting is concerned.
● To show you what to do with ideas for products or services that come
to you that are not viable to complete at the present time.
● To lay down on the table the two most important things you should
have in your mind and be carrying with you through everything you do
related to your business.
● To explain how we as online marketers are all multi-skilled masters of
creation, even if you don't feel that way.
● To demonstrate that it's far easier to move your business forwards,
and in the direction you want it to go, than many have lead you to
believe through other guides and scare tactics.
Understanding Online Marketing
I'd like to take the time out to talk about what you're getting yourself into.
Not just what you're getting yourself into, but what we've all dived in to
headfirst; the fascinating world of online marketing.
Let me tell you, since 1999, I've seen a lot. I've seen people that seem
to know almost everything, I've seen friends have amazing successes
starting from the very bottom and working their way up. I've seen people
succeed in achieving their dreams and goals, and I've seen people fail
and just give up, not to mention, countless methods and guides for
success, new systems of all sorts.
Looking back, it's been one heck of a ride with ups, downs, major ups
and major downs. When I first got going with marketing I noticed
something a little scary, and that was the high rate of failure. As I
progressed building my business, testing my own methods, and moving
up the ladder as it were, I started to realize things.
People were going about their online business totally blind to the
fundamental flaws that they were creating for themselves. I started to
look back at the people I'd met that had dropped out early on before
achieving their goals and a few things started to jump out at me. I then
decided that the day that I write an info product, the first things that I'm
going to talk about are the fundamentals of business.
This is a really important section. In fact, I remember back in the day
saying to myself 'When I make it and reach my goals, if I ever write an
info product, I'm going to include a report entitled 'Things I Wish I Knew
Before I started'. Everything you're about to read is very background like
information. Things you should always have in your head while working
your business. Kind of rules that you shouldn't deviate from, but aren't
necessarily practical jobs that you can get on with right now.
Everything here I've seen and learnt at various stages of my business'
development and would like to pass directly to you before we even get
started to provide you with a base for your knowledge. Real facts that
you should keep in mind while doing business online, or even offline, if
you decide to go that way in the future.
The Fundamentals of Online Business
The thing with online marketing is that anyone anywhere can start his or
her own business. You don't need a huge amount of cash to put down
for a property, and you don't need to buy stock, or put down a large sum
of money for storage, and so on. This is great, but somewhere along the
way, the basics of business have been forgotten.
Of course I won't bore you and relay everything that I learned in college
and university, because to be honest, barely any of it applies to the real
world of business. What I really want to get into in this section is you.
Why you're doing what you're doing, what to expect, and most
importantly how to go about this correctly on the ground floor, because
of course building a strong base is extremely important for the short
term, just in terms of survival, never mind total and utter success.
One thing that I find with online business is, people see the opportunity
there to make a whole load of cash, quit their jobs and live the good life.
In a way, this is true, but they forget about themselves. They see the
money and their eyes light up. This is why I want to talk about you, what
you want and how you plan to get it before going any further.
Why Are You Here?
First up, why are you here? Really ask yourself that question. Why have
you decided to start your own business? Why online? Maybe it was the
promise of some extra cash, a little extra free time. Do you want to go
all the way and quit your job in the future? Or maybe you have some
other motivation?
This is the basis of setting goals. Why are you here? When you've
answered that question, remember it. Keep it filed, updated and well a
truly embedded in your mind. Any tough times you come across, or any
problems that may arise with your business in the future, remember why
you're here and why you're doing this and why it is worthwhile. The
answer to this question is what's going to spur you on and keep you
going and moving on up the ladder.
Some people like to create whole elaborate plans around their goals,
but for now we'll leave it at that. Quick and simple. It's not hard, it's not
time consuming but it is an extremely important part of your success. All
you ever need to do is ask yourself those three questions. Why am I
here? What do I want? How do I plan to get it? Basic? You may think
so, but look at it this way, without this motivation, you may find yourself
waking up in five years time, sitting in the same chair, in the same
place, in the same situation and wondering why you haven't moved
forward. It's likely because you didn't set yourself a goal, which is done
simply by answering those three questions. Don't let this happen to you.
This Is Real Business
Next up, I want to touch on something that I still see every day, and to
be honest, it does make me wonder. I want you to remember what
you're doing here. You're starting or building a business. The problem I
see every day is, as we already mentioned earlier, the opportunity is
there for everyone, but it doesn't seem to sink in that they're actually
starting their own business.
I can understand how you'd be a little miffed about someone starting a
business that didn't know they were doing so, but let me explain. I'm
sure you've seen those websites with links all over the place, totally
disorganized, a page full of pretty colors telling you click on one and
you'll earn thousands of dollars an hour, or a lovely free hosted site with
ten pop ups on each page and a pretty floral border with bright pink
animated background of happy little bunnies prancing around the place.
It's not just the layout of sites either, it's the customer service, the quality
of the sales letters, the quality of the product, the price, the
presentation, everything, every single aspect.
It really makes me think when I land on these pages. Do these guys
know that they're supposed to be running a business? Don't hate me
yet; I know that sounds very opinionated, but its roots are based in fact.
Would you buy from these sites even if the product sounded totally
amazingly great? I sure wouldn't. There are too many things on my
mind. Too many questions I have to ask myself.
A good marketer knows that as well as having a good product, the
worries of any visitor to your website need to be squashed as quickly as
possible. All the questions you ask yourself before buying something
about the person that's selling to you and the product itself need to be
answered and answered well, or you're just going to click off and move
along. The major point I'm trying to make here is understand fully what
you're getting yourself into. With the anonymity of internet and the
people selling products on it, you have to remember above all to be
business like and professional at all times. If you create something and
don't feel totally comfortable with it, chances are it's not up to scratch
and it's not going to do you any favours, money wise, free time wise,
long term, or short term.
Here's a good example. During the planning stages, this very report that
you're reading has gone through no less than six drafts and different
versions because it wasn't good enough. It wasn't professional enough,
it didn't hit home the points strongly enough. This site has gone through
many small changes, including three designs, one total overhaul, four
versions of the scripts running in the background, two different affiliate
scripts and some custom work.
I'm not saying you have to go overboard, but my personal belief, based
in fact is that if you have put in the extra effort with something,
customers will notice, and they will remember you, most importantly
though, they will buy from you in the first place. Always, always keep
your work professional and top quality if you want to get off the starting
blocks, or it just won't happen for you.
Your Personality Gets You Noticed
Here comes the fun part. Taking the above idea of being professional at
all times, you may feel that this next point is a contradiction in terms,
and that is, inject your own personality. This is really important for the
success of any online business, and it sure helps get to know people
and meet new contacts and form business relationships.
Professionalism is all good, but on its own, it's just not enough. I see
this more and more, everyday with the e-zines I get through my mail,
the reports I'm sent by people, and the sales letters for new products or
services that I read on a daily basis.
As far as I'm concerned right now, you're reading this, and having read
the introduction so far, you have some insight into us and who we are,
what we sound like and it gives the course some personality. You know
the source of them. If we didn't do this, you would just be reading
another boring bundle of text that didn't have any background or
Here’s a slightly more direct example for you. Right now, and
throughout the rest of the course, I'm writing to you, and talking to you
as if I was talking to a friend, but in a professional sense. We didn't want
to create a tedious experience for you, otherwise it'd turn into another
random and boring faceless block of text telling you what to do, and
that's the last thing we want. We'd lose out, and you'd lose out, get
bored, stop reading, and take away a negative experience with our
names attached to it. Not good, not good for either of us.
I'm sure you're getting the idea now, keep that in mind when you're
writing your own sales letters, your own reports, publishing your e-zine,
creating your info product or membership site, in fact keep it in mind
whatever you're doing, along side the professionalism. Remember,
being a professional and respected businessman or businesswoman
doesn't mean you have to go about your work in a boring way. Inject
your own personality. It will not only help people remember you and
build your personal brand, as well as your business, but it will keep your
customers reading and coming back to you for more.
Your Personal Resource Reserve
The next important section I want to talk about is your resources. How
much time do you have to devote? Do you need more? How much cash
do you have to put down? Do you need more? In this short introduction
section, just for examples purposes, I'm going to give you some insight
as to my own personal working time table and how much cash I spend
on what, so that you can see how similar products sometimes require
diverse panning and bring up very different situations.
Something that's very important to me here is that in light of the last
section on professionalism, you don't misunderstand what I'm showing
you as 'do everything a hundred times over and spend a week on every
little section until it's perfect'. Every single product and service that you
create, or decide to sell for someone else is going to bring it's own
revelations with regards to cost and the time out of your schedule that it
takes and this is something very important that should be taken into
account in the planning process, because lets face it, you don't want to
find yourself three quarters of the way through a product, just to find out
that you've run out of time or cash.
Here's an example of my personal schedule for you. Bear in mind that
my business is my job, and I don't do any outside work aside from
freelance affiliate promotion for others. For this reason, I don't expect
you to follow this, or ours to be the same. This is here for one reason
only, and that's to give you a heads up. Ok so, week one, I'll do general
admin work of the business and sites, keep on top of accounts, make a
few new contacts and generally talk to a lot to people and current
customers. Read feedback, make small adjustments and so on, less
than an hour a day if I can help it.
Week two; along comes one of the contacts I made last week who
suggests an idea for a new site. This is where things go crazy and I'll
spend pretty much the whole of the week and every spare hour
planning and crafting this product and it's sales material, the follow-up,
site graphics and preparing any scripts etc.
Week three comes the launch, and aside from spending a few hours a
day on admin duty and making sure everything is functioning correctly,
and arranging, preparing and getting the launch promotion drive going,
this is all that's going on.
Week four, with everything running smoothly again it's back to the
admin, meeting people and planning new products, and analysing and,
most importantly, improving the way things are at the moment. This
process of easy laid back work, onto major hard time consuming stuff,
then back to the slower pace seems to be a pretty regular pattern you
can rely on when creating your own sites.
Here's another example for you. The secondary affiliate promotion that I
do with other people, removing the need to create my own products
takes a big chunk out of that time. I may spend an hour or two a day in
total creating promotions for others, writing new ad material and general
business admin, but that's it.
When you consider not all websites that you create have a time limit,
which is especially apparent when creating sites with a partner we’ve
done with this one, and you can spread that work load out over the
course of a week, two weeks, a month or maybe more, the answers to
'How much time does it take?' is easy; as much time as you can spare.
What I want to show is that something that could seem too huge to
comprehend having the time for to start with can be spread out over
time. Creating your own products does take longer. However, I don't
want you to think that you're restricted to affiliate promotion just
because you have other real life engagements such as work. This is by
far not the case, and something that you have to pick up on right now if
you're going to be a success when we move onto the practical sections.
The same is true for the financial side of things. How much cash does it
take to start an online business? Well, to be honest, not a lot. You could
easily get going for maybe $50. Get a website, create a product and get
I want you to know though, that you're not gated from creating
something big, something profitable and a business to be proud of
because of small time constraints or budgetary concerns. A little of each
is good to start out with.
On to the Good Bits
How Much Money Will You Make?
Next up something that we all enjoy talking about - Money. Not money
you're spending however, but how much you are going to earn with your
business? This is something that's no doubt of at least some importance
to everyone reading right now. Let's talk cash. I'm sure you've seen all
the big marketers out there earning huge wads of cash, hundreds of
thousands of dollars a year and so on. I'm also sure you've heard or
seen many people struggling to make just five hundred dollars per
month too.
All too often I see too many marketers trying to fit into the top group
when they're really in the bottom group, kind of like climbing a ladder,
but totally missing out the middle rungs. Don't worry yourself too much.
There is an 'in the middle'. As much as some sales letters would like
you to not believe this is so.
You’ve Got All the Time in the World
I know many people that earn between thirty and eighty thousand
dollars a year. They're not super rich, but again they have a great base
to work from. My point here is don't set yourself a target of earning a
million dollars a year within six months. This isn't to say it can't happen,
this isn't to say it can't happen real quickly, but you have to stop setting
yourself time limits, because all it does is add to your frustration and
anxiety of only having so many days or weeks left to reach your goals.
Just work towards it, and you will get there. Throw all your time limits
out the window right this moment.
Don't try to be the richest person out there. Remember the first point we
talked about? Why are you doing this? This is your primary goal, and
don't be downhearted if you're not as rich as you hoped within the first
few months. To sum up, you will earn as much as you want to earn if
you take the professionalism point into account at every turn. Whether
it's a thousand a month, a thousand a week, or a thousand a day, I want
to reassure you now that it is achievable and you're not wasting your
time reading this, but if you're going to make it, you need to stop setting
yourself deadlines right now.
Why We’re All Special
The fourth fundamental I want to talk to you about is generally only
related to online business, and not so much for off-line business. That is
about our skills. You may not think it if you've been on the scene a
while, but we're special. Yep, you are. All of us are special in that we
are so skilled and probably don't even notice it. Take a look at what
creating the average product takes us through.
We Plan the product, we create a product, we design and build a
website and we get it hosted, we set up affiliate programs, payment
processors. We write our own sales material, we advertise our own
products, we maintain our own lists, follow-up, backend sales, business
admin, and customer service. You name it. We do it.
Granted you can have web designers build your graphics for you,
copywriters write your sales material and so on, but if you're just starting
out and don't have that kind of cash to spend, it all falls to you.
This isn't a problem, but the one thing I want to get across to you before
moving on to the next sections is to keep things structured. Information
overload is bad, and if you try to be the best at everything, you'll end up
tired, run down, confused and probably still no better off. Go easy on
Here's a nice example for you. My specialty definitely isn't designing
graphics for websites, (far from it, believe me) which is exactly why I
hired someone to do this one for us. It didn't cost a huge amount, the
whole site in fact, aside from the built in affiliate system, cost under
three hundred dollars.
The above example included the whole of the members area, the log in
system, the graphics, and outside the members’ area, so that's not a
bad deal. This is true for every skill we have and obtain. If you have the
skill go for it, if you have the cash and you're not so good (like my
design skills) hire someone.
My second point here is it's very rare that you'll want to have something
done and there isn't someone out there to do it for you if you can't do it
yourself. Don't give up on ideas because they seem too out of your
Ok one final point to make before we finish with today. It is all worth it.
Whether it's more money you're after, or more time to spend with your
family, there is a business size, type or way of doing things that suits
you. The above section may have seemed a little messy and a little
jumpy as far as subjects are concerned, however, if someone took my
business away today, and told me to start again, they would be the
number one things I'd be happy to know this time around, that weren't
so apparent last time.
If the reasoning behind this report isn't immediately clear, let me
explain. If you really did look at yourself, everything you want to
achieve, everything you're doing, have done and will do, I now know for
sure you are 100% totally and completely comfortable with your
position. You know where you're going. You know in a very general
format how you're going to get there, and you also know what you're
capable of.
If some things are still unclear, feel free to go over the report again, but
this time really ask yourself the questions and have answers before
moving onto the next one.
A space filler this is not. Read it over again if you have to, or maybe at a
later date. Everything here is I believe a great base of knowledge for
your business. Want proof? Try it, and watch what happens.
● It's important to understand all of these ideas before diving headfirst
into creating your own business. If we're going to be successful at
anything we need some background information first, and to understand
how it works.
● Online Marketing is no exception. I've seen many things, lots of ups
and downs. Amazing successes, massive bankrupting failures, I've
seen, read and indeed own masses of guides, how to's, and online
marketing information.
● One of the main problems is, people were going about their business
totally blind to the fundamental flaws of what they were creating for
themselves. This was easy to see by examining the people that had
failed and comparing them with the people that succeeded on my
journey here. This is when I decided when I reach my goals, I'm going
to write a course based around the title: Things I wish I knew before I
got started. This is that course.
● Nowadays anyone can start their own business online. All they need
is an idea, and a very small amount of cash. There’s no longer any
need for large amounts of investment. Looking around, it's obvious to
me that for this reason people forget that they're running a business,
and just look at it as a quick way to make some extra cash. Let me tell
you now, you are a businessman, or businesswoman. Never forget that.
● No matter how much people don't like the whole positive thinking and
goal setting frame of mind, you have to do it. Goal setting at least,
because this is going to be your driving motion that’s going to push you
towards success. No goals means no motivation, no motivation means
waking up in five years time and wondering why you're in the same
place. Similarly, no set goals means chasing something that you want
that’s always getting bigger and better, and further away, which means
you'll never reach it. You need a set goal.
● Setting yourself some goals doesn't involve positive thinking, it's not a
lot of work either. It just requires you to answer a few questions. Think
about these right now. Why are you here, and why are you doing what
you're doing right now? What do you want to get out what you're doing
right now? This is all goal setting requires. Nothing boring, nothing
elaborate, but it's the difference between you moving forward, and
staying where you are right now.
● Coming across tough times or a problem that you don't know how to
solve? Not a problem, refer back to your goal for some motivation. Why
are you here? What are you doing right now? And what do you want to
get out of what you're doing right now? That's all it takes, nothing more.
● It has to sink in that you're starting or building your own business. This
is not a game; this is not a toy, or something for you to show your
friends. It's entirely your creation, and it's there for one reason and one
reason only, and that is to achieve your goals and improve your life.
● It sometimes makes me wonder if people realise what they're getting
in to. Professionalism is a must at all times. I'm sure you've seen the
sites packed with affiliate links, pink fluffy floral borders with bright
flashing lights that talk to you about making millions overnight. It makes
me wonder, do these people even know that they're running a
business? Would you buy from these sites even if the product sounded
like the best thing ever to land on the Internet?
● It's not about site design either. It’s about professionalism. You have
to have this with you in everything you do. It has to be the best work
you've ever done. When I say everything I'm talking your marketing,
your joint ventures, your sales letters, your ad copy, your follow-up, your
product, your affiliate system, any contact that you make with your list or
any other resources you may have, in fact anything and everything that
you're going to do that’s related to your business.
● A good marketer knows that as well as having a good product, to
make any sales at all; they have to eliminate any worry from the
customers mind when they land on your sales letters. These need to be
squashed as quickly as possible. Without this level of professionalism it
just won't happen for you. Always think business, always think business
owner, and always think one hundred and ten percent professionalism if
you're seriously looking to get anywhere.
● For example, take this product. It's gone through six drafts and
several planning stages over a period of time, simply because it wasn't
good enough when it started out. It wasn't professional enough, and it
didn't hit home the points strongly enough.
● Don't go overboard with this, otherwise you will never get anything
done, but keep it with you, keep it at the front of your mind at all times
and you'll do just fine.
● Inject your personality. This may sound like a contradiction in terms
from the above advice that I gave you about being professional,
however, being professional on it's own just doesn't cut it. If you want to
stand out, if you want to be noticed and remembered, I don't want you
to be afraid to put a little of yourself in there. After all, if you're
remembered, you're trusted. If you're trusted, you'll make a bundle more
● Being professional doesn't mean being boring. For example this
report, I'm talking to you as if I were talking to a friend. You're getting a
whole bundle of information and a little bit of me at the same time,
something it's unlikely you'll be forgetting in a hurry. Keep this alongside
your professionalism.
● Think about your resources. How much time do you have? Do you
need more? The answer is you can put in as much time as you have to
spare, even if it's just seven hours a week to start with. You can spread
the work over a longer period of time. Don't throw a good idea out the
window just because you can't finish it in a few days. You're not gated
from creating a cracking product just because you don't have masses of
time to spare or have budgetary concerns.
● Try not to get frustrated because you're not rich. There is more to this
than being rich and broke, and in monetary terms there are plenty of
comfortable in the middle stages, where you may not have reached
your goals yet, but you sure are moving towards them and in a much
better position compared to when you started.
● Don't get too hung up on setting yourself deadlines. Deadlines equal
anxiety, frustration, and will slow you down. Set a goal and work
towards it, and you will get there.
● We are all special. Jack-of-all-trades, we don't have a massive
staffing base to do stuff for us. We write our own sales material, we
advertise our own products, we maintain our own lists, follow-up,
backend sales, business admin, and customer service. You name it. We
do it.
● You will pick up many skills along the way, but again, don't throw
away an idea just because you don't know how to do something. It's
highly likely there’s going to be someone out there that you can hire for
parts of the project that you can't do. For example, I 'm terrible at
designing website graphics but that doesn't mean I stopped putting sites
up. I learned at the start, and nowadays have someone to do this for
● Congratulations, because if you can now answer the three questions:
What am I doing here? Why am I doing it? What do I hope to achieve?
Then you’re in the prime mindset to continue. We're both on the same
page for maximum efficiency, and more importantly, probably without
even noticing it, just by doing this, in the past thirty minutes of the
course, you've started to move forwards already. Let’s keep it going.
Overview on Success
● To discuss the top reasons for success and failure, to try and identify
any of these features in the way you work and to stamp them out before
we get into the serious promotion of your product later in this area.
● To show you that no matter how good any previous guides sounded, if
you followed them, and they didn't work, they weren't telling you the
whole story.
● To demonstrate that you probably know more about online marketing
than you think.
● To talk about the way we all spend our day and our routines as self
employed, and how a simple problem with the transition from skivvy to
complete control could be holding you back.
● To show you that there are always parts of online marketing that
someone doesn't enjoy, and to give you a heads up on the number one
reason that this could be stopping you dead in your tracks.
● To discuss previous advice and guides that you may have read and
what some marketers will tell you to get you to listen to them. If they're
telling you a particular phrase which has become all the rage lately, no
matter how nice and kind they are to you, they can't help you.
● To show you how to move on and how not moving on could leave you
maintaining the same product for years to come with very little profit. In
my experience a very common mistake, I also landed in this sticky trap.
Top 10 Reasons for Success
Greetings, welcome to the section where we'll be looking at some of the
reasons why some are successful and some are not. There are a lot of
reasons why this may occur. I want to talk through with you some of the
most common, and some of the problems I had to overcome myself on
my way here and that many others that I've spoken to also had to
overcome. Rather than being a totally negative report in which I tell you
why you're not being as successful as you'd like, let’s look at this in a
different light. I'm going to show you as many reasons as I can think of
why marketers are struggling so that you can actively spot and solve
them immediately.
Many are struggling, it’s a fact, through a plethora of situations through
no fault of their own. After all, this isn't something you can go to school
or to college for and be taught. When we start out we're all feeling our
way in the dark, and mistakes will be made, this is a guarantee.
Whilst reading through I'd like you to really focus on what's being said
and be on the look out for examples that sound like you, or something
you might do. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, nothing to get
aggravated or annoyed about, it's solely something for you to think
‘wow, that sounds like me, I best quit that.’ That's the exact effect we're
looking for here, nothing more.
So without further delay, let’s start looking at some of the reasons some
marketers are more successful than others and some of the solutions if
you're having a particular problem.
Are You Listening to the Right People?
The first one I'd like to talk to you about is your choice of guide
purchasing. Granted this doesn't apply now because you've taken the
plunge, but did you ever feel like someone wasn't quite telling the whole
story with previous guides you've purchased or even been given?
It's all too easy to find information about online marketing, but whether
that information is good, tried, tested and complete is another matter
altogether. Often, when people start out, they tell me that they've been
reading this free e-book they were given, and what I'm telling them
contradicts what's been written, or they read about something before
but were never sure how to actually go about doing things. Generally,
the more you spend the better quality you get.
It's unfortunate that many marketers on the outside of reports such as
these don't understand that they're not being told the whole story, or
even being told incorrect information.
Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking smaller products but understand if
you want a guide that shows you all the tips and trade secrets it sure
isn't going to cost you $25. If you have any friends in the business, or
anyone you know to be making this mistake, point it out to them.
Unfortunately, trying to point someone to a high priced product is not
always easy to do, because it just sounds like sales talk, but I digress,
let’s move on.
I Bet You Know More Than You Think
Big reason number two, is you already knew how to do everything but
didn't get the work done for some reason. There are plenty of reasons
for this, but let me say I experienced this one too, until one day I bought
someone else’s product which kind of put me straight, and got me
thinking. Hey this guy is big and makes a load of cash, but already
knows everything he is teaching. This spurred me on quite nicely and
turned out to be the boost I needed to get to this stage, selling multiple
$1000+ products daily for several months of the year. It was a great
motivator and sometimes that's just what people need to spring into
action again, not necessarily the knowledge itself. This is something I
kept in mind with this report, and the reason we have the goal pages
and summaries at the end of the written versions. I'd hope they did their
job, made you feel as though you were progressing and learning new
methods and techniques that would be useful to you. I'd suggest doing
something similar with your products too.
Wasting Time without Even Knowing It
Moving on, you know, it's amazing how much time we waste doing
nothing useful even when it seems we are. Someone pointed this out to
me four or five years ago and said hey, I have something for you to test.
Next time you're doing a big job such as writing a report, or building a
site, record how much work you do, how much you get done over how
much time, then report back to me in the morning. I guarantee you I can
triple the amount you got done without sacrificing quality the next day.
Intrigued I did as she said. Came back the next day and she
demonstrated to me how much time I was wasting doing irrelevant
things. Either catching news reports on TV, going to grab some food,
speak to some friends for a few minutes, flick through the tracks on my
MP3 player between each song trying to find the good ones and so on.
Here's another more recent example of this. I've been working on this
report now and some software at the same time for many months. I just
sat down for seven hours straight (something I can rarely do with the
number of projects I’m working on currently) and wrote, and wrote, and
came out with 60+ pages, which means if I'd really sat down and
concentrated on the one project I'd have had 1200+ pages done in a
mere 20 days. So here’s the thing. When you work try to either, keep a
timetable, a set of goals, or at the very least a record of how much
you're achieving and cut out all distractions.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling you lazy. I know you want to move
forward or else you wouldn't be reading this right now. Take some time
out to work on your business. Sit down, remove all distractions and just
work, straight, for 12 hours. Taking a look around on my desk now I
have my headphones on, with set play list going, I have my keyboard, a
watch, and a glass of iced water. That's it, nothing more. The best thing
about this is there are no distractions, and I get work done. I'd suggest
at the very least you might want to draw up a timetable for your work
days, and set yourself goals to avoid this. It's amazing how time flies
and the work amount and quality is affected through distractions. Try it,
you might just find the pace of things pick up.
Avoiding the Dirty Bits
Does This Sound Like You?
Next up comes ‘the avoid’ the dirty bits way of thinking. Have you ever
been sitting there, maybe working away or reading your guides on how
to achieve something, and said to yourself 'Hmm you know, I don't fancy
doing that', or 'This is not what I envisioned doing when I started out in
online marketing'? Well you wouldn't be the only one and this could well
be the missing piece of the puzzle for you. In general when you start to
delve deep into this business it's very different from what you see on the
outside. Not only that, but things can change.
Unfortunately we as online marketers have to take the good with the
bad and carry on regardless. This sometimes results in coming up
against something that will require you to overcome a barrier or pull of
something new. Usually when I talk to people about their online
marketing the number one thing that comes up here is joint ventures.
Especially the first time around because you're no longer dealing with
masses of lists, but on a personal level and, it can indeed be a little hard
to get going if you've never done it before. As I mentioned earlier they
don't teach you this stuff in college or universities.
So here’s the thing. You need to look at everything you're doing relating
to your business and ask yourself whether it's helping or hindering you.
When you find an answer, be it in this report, or elsewhere, if you don't
like the idea of having to do it yourself, either hire someone to do it if
you can, or if not, it's time to burn some bridges. Whatever you do don't
block it out and put it to the back of your mind figuring that that one
small thing that you've left out won't make that much difference. In my
experience everything you do is chained to something else. Leaving
one out can leave you with a huge gap in your online marketing.
Don’t Listen to the Big Guys…
Are You Crazy?
Moving on to the next and probably the most worrying part of this report,
and that’s that you may have found yourself a ‘don't listen to the big
guys’ person, or a report written by such a person. This confuses me to
this day. The usual argument is they're only in it for themselves, so don't
listen to them, listen to me instead because I'm a nice person. Now I
don't know how many people go for this to be honest, but guru bashing
as I like to call, it seems to have become a popular business proposition
for some people.
Don't buy it. That's like telling you not to listen to the people that are
making the money, but to listen to the person that doesn't listen to the
people making the money. Strange. My retort to the guru bashing is, no,
they're not just in it for themselves. If I were to put this report out and
leave in a shoddy condition, and make a few hundred sales just
because I can write a sales letter, I'd love to see how many people
come back and buy from me later or promote my products. No one
would want to be associated with me, I wouldn't get joint ventures, I
wouldn't sell any products and so on. Not only me, it's kind of an
unwritten rule out there.
You make it good, or you don't make it at all.
Broken Vase Syndrome
Next, something that personally stopped me from moving on for a year
or so. I had this old site going that was doing pretty well, considering I
hadn't learned much at that period. It wasn't a small site by any means. I
was forever updating, changing, prettying up, cleaning, tidying,
maintaining and so on. Meanwhile, someone I'd met about the same
time I started out in online marketing pulled three sites out of the bag. I
was wondering how he did it. We knew each other anyway so he'd
given me access to his sites and I was amazed. They weren't lacking in
content, they were good solid, full blown websites.
I remember talking to him one day and he said to me 'Hey, you've been
working on that site for a long time haven't you, it must be pretty huge
by now'. Yeah it was, I thought to myself at the time, but I totally missed
the point. There comes a time after you release a product when you
should have everything set up and running nicely so that you're free to
move on to a new product. Never constrain yourself to one and work on
it constantly over huge periods of time. If you find yourself doing this
you're doing something wrong.
Understand that there's nothing wrong with keeping up customer
support for your products, but set it up, finish up and get promoting.
Smooth everything over as quickly as possible and to the best of your
abilities. This is especially true for info based products but even with
software you need to automate and move on, not totally leaving it
behind, but leaving it to run itself for the most part. Keep an open mind,
work on new products and new projects, and don't get stuck doing one
thing for years whilst your competition has released ten products and is
raking it in from them, whilst you're still with your original site rearranging its layout or scheme.
The moment I discovered this it kind of set me free, and here I am now
working on a monstrous amount of projects with more contacts, a bigger
list and more knowledge in my head than I ever imagined would fit.
Unfortunately some of the people I knew back in those days weren't all
that lucky and, are still in pre-launch for a product they created four
years ago, earning no more than they did in the first week or so. Each to
their own. I highly suggest you keep an open mind though and know
when it's time to move on to bigger, better and newer things.
I’m Worried I Can’t / Won’t Succeed
Next up comes something that's not unrelated to what we spoke about
earlier, when looking at avoiding the dirty bits, and that's worrying about
not succeeding. Now you may not be the type of person to worry about
what other people are thinking or how they'll react to your products and
the things you do, which is great, because you'll burn bridges a lot faster
than us out there that hate it when someone doesn't like our work. This
is why you'll always get the best from anything I do personally, but for
those of you who are reading and who get a little uptight when
approaching something new this is for you.
The fact is, if you're in online marketing or any business that I've
encountered so far, you'll need to burn bridges and try something new
every now and again, and carry out tasks that you don't feel comfortable
with or are going to really despise doing. Let me tell you, as the kind of
guy that likes to please everyone all the time, I understand that it's not
easy when you come up against things like this. I've been sworn at,
shouted at, refused, denied, flat out told things I've done were crap,
useless, don't work and so on. I don't doubt I'll get the same again in the
future from people who can't be bothered to get out there and try these
methods, and you know what? If you haven't experienced all this
already, let me tell you now that you will.
Way to make you feel better huh? Well now you know, and you're
prepared for it, you have to accept it and move on. You'll need to find
your own way of getting by and not being discouraged when something
goes incredibly pear shaped. Whatever you do though, always push
yourself to break new boundaries and, don't let anything discourage you
because what you don't see when people tell you they make 20k a
month is that they're getting this too. Each and every one of them.
Whether it's from their list, the odd strange customer, or just someone
having a bad day. You will encounter it, so prepare to get over it now
and you'll be fine. Those of you more laid back who don't get dented by
that stuff, great. Keep moving forward.
Knowledge Really Is Power
Next up, we have the all important knowledge. Knowledge is power,
after all, and without it we'd all be doomed and useless at pretty much
everything. Well you don't have to worry about not having the
knowledge anymore because everything is covered in this guide for this
particular method, but I do want you to make sure you're using it. The
whole buying guide, after guide, after guide is getting a little over the top
for some people that I've spoken to in the past. Ten, twenty, thirty or
more e-books read. They claim they've read everything but still haven't
reached their dream of making wads of cash every month.
Like we've already discussed this can be for many reasons. You can
have all the knowledge in the world but it won't do anything unless you
take what you've learned and put it to good use. Don't turn into one of
those report hoppers, because it won't get you very far, and in the end
you're going to end up frustrated, bored and broke.
The Freebie Magnet
Next we have the freebie magnet. Seeing as anyone reading this will
have purchased it, I highly doubt this applies, but I want to be sure and
catch anyone right here and weed these problems out before they start.
This comes in many forms but I want to talk about this in general rather
than anything specific as in the other sections. So free stuff. We all like
something for nothing but there are those people out there who go over
the top searching for free deals. Free hosting, free promotion, free web
design, free sales copy writing and so on. It just doesn't work. You will
not get anything set up if you're looking for everything that's free.
Granted, shop around for a good deal if you can, but when it comes to
the fundamentals of your business, your scripts, your hosting especially,
don't go with the free option because quality will suffer, and your
customers will be able to see that too, which is something we definitely
want to avoid.
I highly doubt many of you are here buying such a product so I won't
dwell. I thought it best to cover it just in case and for future reference.
So swiftly moving along and we hit a wall that is suffered by many
marketers out there.
Never On Your Own
This brings me to my next point and that's don't try to do everything on
your own. A big mistake many marketers make is that they decide that
they want all the profits for themselves and try to do everything alone.
This is all well and good if you want to be making a couple of thousand
a month maybe but if you want to surpass that you need to expand a
little. That's not to say that you need to go around partnering on every
single site that you create but it does mean that you need to think a little
more about working in a team wherever possible.
Partnerships are one example and you'll be splitting the profits 50/50.
However lets say for example you both have the same amount of
resources to get your promotion out through different contacts and each
others lists, affiliates, Jv’s and customers, mix in a little bit of your
expertise and you'll end up making the same amount of cash anyway if
things are dead even. What you will get though are double the visitors,
double the people in your follow-up, and double your affiliates adding
fifty percent to your total income from the product to start with. On top of
that you'll be pulling in double the resources to promote to in the future.
So you see it's important to start working as a team. Don't worry if you
haven't got anyone to work in a team with yet. After your first few
products you'll start to see some contacts land in your lap that you can
join up with later. There is another example of this and that's when
people don't want to grant affiliate commissions because they don't
want to be losing any cash. I can totally understand it if you have a huge
amount of resources already, but when you don't have that type of
promotion power under your belt, affiliates are the way to go.
Affiliates, however, are here to stay, and they'll be the difference
between your 1k a month and your 20k a month and upwards.
Remember, affiliates are making sales that it's likely you wouldn't have
made anyway, so there's nothing wrong with granting them more out of
the profits than you're earning per sale. If you have a problem doing this
you're going to struggle so, if this really isn't something you want to do,
take some time out and check how much you'd be earning if you gave
60% to say ten affiliates making a particular number of sales on your
product on top of your personal sales. You should start to see how
much more profitable this is than trying to go it alone, which is both time
consuming and expensive, cutting into your profits big time unless you
use these resources for the leverage you need to make your one
person promotion team into a ten, a hundred or even thousand plus
person promotion team. It's at this stage this point really starts to
become clear.
So there we have it. The top reasons that I believe get in the way of
marketers goals and stop them from succeeding. Do you see any of
these in yourself? If you do, remove them, or fix them. It doesn't matter
how you do it, just make sure you do, because they will hold you back
and in all of the examples above will stop you from ever succeeding
unless you can overcome them.
It's a fact that we as online marketers as I've mentioned before have to
be multi skilled. When you get into the scene it's very, very rare and
unlikely that you'll have everything you need to succeed, and there will
be many problems, walls and obstacles that you have to personally
overcome before you can make a success of this. You see, us
marketers are all a little box of versatility, (you included). This is the
most powerful of any tool at our disposal and will make us all
successes. Unfortunately as much good as it does for those of us who
understand this, it's detrimental to those who don't, and they will go on
buying and buying guide after guide, getting frustrated and failing until
they either quit, or learn this.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this report. It is indeed the most negative of
them all, and I prefer to concentrate on success rather than why people
fail. Alas it had to be done and was too important to leave out and not
tell you about. We'll end here now, but before we do, I just want to make
a note. If none of the above apply to you right now that’s great. Take the
knowledge contained within this report, put it to good use, and I look
forward to seeing many successful products come from you. Be careful
though, just because you don't have these problems right now, you may
develop any of them later. Don't forget what you've just been reading
and you'll do just fine.
● Greetings, welcome to the section where we'll be discussing why
some people are successful and why some aren't, drawing from the
primary factors that went into the failures and successes of all the
people that I personally met on the way. That came and went, that failed
and quit, that succeeded and quit their jobs and bought ridiculously
large houses and expensive cars.
● There are many different reasons for success, and everyone is
different, but what I'd like to concentrate on now are two simple
questions that I ask almost everyone I meet when they reach the peak
of their marketing, whether it be success or failure. Why do you think
you didn't make it? And of course, why do you think you made it? You'd
be surprised at the results, I sure was. Let’s look at this information
● The first thing I'd like to talk about is your choice of guide purchases.
This one doesn't apply so much now seeing as you have this in your
hands but it's definitely something I'd like you to watch out for in the
● All too often when people are starting out they'll tell me they've been
reading this free e-book or they've visited this free site. They’ve pulled a
load of info from it, and what I'm telling them to do, and what other
marketers are telling them to do contradicts what they've been told by
wherever they were previously. The general rule is the more you spend,
the better you get.
● I'm not denying that small courses and cheap courses can be useful,
and I'm not saying what I'm teaching you here is the be all and end all of
information and the only way to be a success, but understand if you
want a guide that really shows you solid marketing information,
someone isn't going to reveal all of their best tactics for free.
● So my advice to you would be to always look for premium products if
you want the full story. I doubt anyone would even consider selling a
guide costing more than five hundred dollars if it was all shoddy. It
would be devastating to their business, and isn't something buyers will
forget in a hurry. Similarly, if you have any friends or make any contacts
relying on small e-books for their marketing information, let them know
that premium products are the way to go. Not necessarily this guide, I'm
not trying to get you to go selling for me, but any well known marketer
with a premium product is their best bet if they want to learn new things
and serious techniques. Remember not to hard sell them just point them
in the right direction in a friendly manner. It's in your best interests if
your marketing contacts and customers succeed.
● Moving on to the second thing that I have personally seen and even
experienced myself, which came very close to adding me to the list of
those who didn't make it, and that's that you already have all the
information and know how, but don't realize it, and therefore don't feel
comfortable putting it into action for one reason or another.
● My personal experience of this was a bit of a shock. I spent just over a
grand buying a big marketers product that claimed to reveal all his
secrets. On reading I found myself thinking, hey, this guy knows a lot,
he makes a whole bundle of cash, but I already know literally everything
that he's telling me. I found myself adding more to his tips in my mind
while reading through, kind of unconsciously saying 'Hey, you missed a
● At this point I realized it was time to start moving forward and taking
action. The initial learning period was over. Watch for this because you
may find you know more than you think, and your success could well
just be a matter of you taking the plunge and confidently putting all
you've learned into action.
● In addition to this the progression from the worker to the boss isn't the
easiest thing to do by far, a common misunderstanding, and something
else that got me for a period back in 2002. The way this one hit me was
that a friend came to me and said 'next time you're working on your
business, or doing a big job, record how much time you spend doing it
and how much you get done, then report back to me, and he
guaranteed I could triple this through a simple fifteen minutes of easy
work. I did as she said, and when I returned she demonstrated how
much time was being wasted, catching the news, flipping through songs
to listen to while I'm working, grabbing food, speaking to some friends,
making calls and so on.
● So here's the thing. When you work try to either keep a timetable if
that's your thing, a set of goals for the day in list format, or at the very
least keep a record of the amount of work you're getting done and cut
out the distractions totally. It sounds minor, I know, but try it and see
how much more you get done when writing your reports. Being lazy
doesn't come into it. It's all about that transgression to being in total
control. Don't let anyone ever tell you that it’s easy because it sure does
take some getting used to.
● Taking a look around on my desk now, I have my headphones on with
a set play list going, I have my keyboard, a watch and a glass of iced
water. That's it. It's amazing how time flies and how work quality is
affected by distractions. Remove them and prosper.
● Moving on from distractions the next thing I want to talk to you about
is avoiding the dirty bits, a way of thinking that is in my experience
affecting almost every marketer in their first six months of serious hard
online marketing.
● Ever learned something new and thought to yourself, ah well I can
skip this bit and do it later, or this isn't really how I pictured this to be? It
happens to everyone, and when you have a pre-determined picture of
how something should be in your head, it's hard to go about something
that you don't enjoy totally. It's even easier to avoid things when you're
in total control as with your own business.
● For example, when I started out in online marketing I thought it'd be
all about posting paid ads, creating products and getting paid. Of course
it didn't work out like that, and it turns out that pulling new Joint
Ventures and making first contact with people isn't my forte, whilst the
creative side and product creation totally is. What would happen if JV's
were totally ignored, or I'd edited the techniques I'd learned in my mind
down to only doing the things I enjoy the most? Well, personally I’d
have been back selling other peoples stuff pretty quick.
● So the first thing I'd like you to do now is open your mind, and ask
yourself, "is there anything that I've been avoiding doing because it
doesn't fit into my pre-conceptions of what running a business and
online marketing is about?".
● Dig deep and answer truthfully, because you may already have the
key that you need to be a success. You just may not know it because
it's been placed at the back of your mind as something you don't
particularly want to do, or edited out of your personal knowledge base
because it's something you're not prepared to do. If you find an answer
to that question, bring it to the front of your mind, write it down if you
have a journal, and remember it. In addition if you find something that
you haven't been doing or avoiding, either consciously or
unconsciously, after finding the answer and writing it down, keep it in
mind. Your situation will not change unless you change it.
● On a personal note to you, take it from me, even if there are aspects
you don't enjoy as much as others, if you face them head on and attack
them full force you'll find, as your business develops, your job gets
easier and easier and it isn't so painful to fix this anymore. My joint
venture first contact for example is something I don't enjoy, but it's not
necessary anymore, because people come to me. It had to be faced to
get to this point though and I'd advise you to dig deep and do the same.
It's quite likely you'll surprise yourself.
● Ok moving on again to something that I personally experienced and
probably one of the biggest downfalls I’ve seen around me, in the past
and no doubt in the future too, and that's getting attached to a product.
● The best example I can think of is when I had this old site going. Not a
small site by any means. Anyway, I was constantly updating, cleaning,
tidying, maintaining and so on. Meanwhile someone that I'd met just a
few months earlier had pulled three sites out the bag, and these were
serious sites, packed full of content.
● He said to me one day 'Hey, you've been working on that site a long
time, it must be pretty huge by now'. It took me a while to realize why
there were those of us that were moving forward and those of us not
making a success of ourselves, and it was simple. Now there's nothing
wrong with keeping customer support going and updating a site every
now and then, especially if it's a membership site, but there are two
important things to keep in mind. Firstly, don't get carried away
changing, prettifying, adding, and so on. Secondly, don't try to be
everything to everyone. If you already have happy customers, that's
great. Your product is good, it's time to stop trying to fix it up and put
that valuable time into creating multiple products and developing new
ideas. It's the only way to move forward and learn.
● The moment I discovered this it set me free. Here I am now working
on a serious amount of reports, sites, scripts, with a bigger list, better
resources, more knowledge and experience under my belt, more
promotion power, more contacts and strangely, more free time. If you
want these things too, remember, never stop developing and moving
forward. Keeping customer service up is one thing, but constantly going
back and altering your ideas isn't the best way to do thing. Live and
learn, and move on.
● Just to give you an idea of how powerful this alone is, here's a real life
example. When I started out I met two different people. One already
had their own site and one joined as a member of that site and was yet
to create their own products. The one with the site is today, six or seven
years later, working on that same site, still has a full time job and even
though the site is massive and packed full of everything you could think
of in their field of expertise, hasn't made much progress. The guy that
joined this site as a member created sites, created content, products,
learned, moved on, learned moved on, constantly pushed his
boundaries. He told me yesterday that he has now quit his job and is
earning on average $800 per day and moving towards doubling that
within the year. This one aspect could be the difference between you
failing, and your total success.
● Moving on to the next aspect of being worried you won't succeed.
Many people seem to develop this over time, and have already made
their mind up whether they're going to be a success or not.
● Now you may not be the type of person to worry about what other
people are thinking or how they'll react to your products and the things
you do, which is great, because you'll burn bridges a lot faster than us
out there that hate it when someone doesn't like our work. This is why
you'll always get the best from anything I do personally, but for those of
you who are reading and get a little uptight when approaching
something new this is for you.
● Let’s get this all out in the open right now shall we? If you continue
down this road you will on occasion experience the following. You will
be shouted at, you will experience things that make you feel
uncomfortable (namely change) you will be sworn at, you will be
abused, called a liar, a money grabber, you will be refused, you will be
denied, put down, told your work is shoddy, bad or not up to standard,
and that the brand new idea you had won't ever work. No matter how
good your work is this is inevitable whether it's from those that don't
understand your work, a frustrated customer, someone who didn't like
receiving an ad from you or someone who had their friend subscribe
them to your stuff. Whatever it is, whether it was your fault or not, it will
● Let’s get something straight for one. You run your business the way
you want to run it. It is your business, you're doing the work, creating
the products, buying the guides, reaping the rewards. Don't ever, under
any circumstances, let an abusive customer, negative friend, family
member or frustrated customers that take their life out on you, either get
you down or, put you off trying something new. Build new bridges, listen
to people’s advice along the way, but be confident, be determined, and
physically hack and slash your way to success if you have to. This isn't
desperation, this is sheer determination. Don't ignore advice, but flatten
any obstacles in your way, gain new ground all day every day, and you'll
find that it actually takes more effort for you not to make it than it does
to make it.
● Finally, there's one more thing I'd like to get out in the open about
being a success. That's doing everything on your own. Something that
many marketers, that start their own business, like to do simply because
it's such a change from their jobs, and they don't have anything else to
worry about except customers. Either this or they think they'll be losing
out on the profits side of things if they bring anyone else in on a deal.
Totally the opposite is true.
● That's not to say that you need to go around partnering on every
single site that you create, but it does mean that you need to think a
little more about working in a team wherever possible.
● Partnerships are one example but you'll be splitting the profits 50/50.
Lets say for example you both have the same amount of resources to
get your promotion out to through different contacts and each others
lists, affiliates, JV’s and customers. Mix in a little bit of your expertise
and you'll end up making the same amount of cash anyway if things are
dead even. What you will get though is double the visitors, double the
people in your follow-up, and double your affiliates adding fifty percent
to your total income from the product to start with, and on top of that
you'll be pulling in double the resources to promote to in the future.
● Don't worry if you don't have anyone on your contact list yet and
you're starting from the very beginning, once you've launched your first
few products you will have. Make it your business to work as a team.
Make each other successful through plugging the gaps in your
knowledge and ability with someone else and let them do the same in
return. You will be more successful than you thought was possible with
the product you work on, and due to increased resources, future
products also.
● That's all for this section. Some of the smallest but yet the most
important bits of information, all taken straight from real experiences
we've had over here. Take the knowledge contained within this report,
put it to good use, and I look forward to seeing many successful
products come from you. Be careful though. Just because you don't
have these problems right now, you may develop any of them later.
Don't forget what you've just been reading and you'll do just fine.
Overview on Health
● To look at and put in place preventative measures to avoid physical
discomfort or long term damage that can be done through the general
wear and tear of every day business online, and to look after your most
important resource of all. You.
● To look at typing technique and how it can be quickly and habitually
improved to avoid long term damage done to your hands, lower arms
and wrists.
● To look at accessories that can help prevent long term damage to
your hands, lower arms and wrists
● To look at techniques and habits that can be used to prevent
disruption and degrading of your vision when sitting at a computer
screen for long periods of time.
● To look at the comfort of your physical environment, and to avoid
damage being done to your body through long periods of time spent in
one sitting position.
● To take a look at what’s around you, and how to use it to your
advantage to stop yourself from becoming sick through over working
and other health hazards.
● To look at basic psychological problems that may occur in the short
term through the running of your day to day business, and how to avoid
them, staying fresh, focused and stress free.
Keeping Your Most Powerful
Resource Healthy - Yourself
Important Note: We are not qualified doctors. These techniques have
been developed through personal experience, and you should always
go and see a physician or doctor before carrying any of them out, or if
you’re in doubt about your health and want further advice.
As online business owners ourselves we know all too well that negative
effects can be brought upon ourselves through what we do. Sitting at
computer screens, sometimes for long periods of time, sitting in the
same position for long periods of time, making tens of thousands, even
hundreds of thousands of key strokes per day can take its toll. Running
your own business from day to day can take its toll when you’re not
prepared or not clued up on how to separate yourself from your
workspace at the end of the day, all of which can quite easily lead to
anything from bone problems, through to loss of sleep.
In this section, as strange as it may be for an online marketing report,
we’re going to look at a few of those causes, and what we do regularly
to remove or negate the damage being done, and we’re going to give
you some of the techniques that we personally use so that you can put
them to use for yourself.
This subject seems a little like taboo for some strange reason.
As an additional note before we get started, I have to point out that we
are not qualified doctors, psychologists or physicians. What you’re
getting here is our personal experience. Before you try any of these
consult a relevant and fully qualified authority on the matter.
Alright, lets get to it. What we’re going to do is split this section up into
small segments where we’ll detail a problem, the long term effects, and
what we do to make sure our bodies and minds don’t go haywire and
limit the damage done by each factor. I must stress, go and see
someone qualified before using any of these as these methods may
have different effects on different people.
Number One – The first thing I’d like to talk about is your hands, lower
arms and wrists. We’re sitting here typing all day for many days of the
week. Constant pounding of the keys on the keyboard can get a little
much for our health at times. If you’re getting pains or twinges in your
arms and wrists, either during or within twenty four hours of typing, it’s a
sign that we need to sort things out now, before they have a chance to
get worse or to turn into an un-solvable problem.
(Wrist Support)
There are a couple of methods that I use personally to prevent this. The
first of which is a set of light sports wrist supports. They’re not splints,
but have a very light and spongy texture. I don’t wear them while I’m
typing as they can restrict movement slightly and make the problem
even worse, but I do wear them for a few hours afterwards. Due to their
warming effect and promotion of circulation within just a week of
wearing them for an hour or so a day, stopped any little pains or twinges
I was getting from writing the thousands of words every day for several
months. Very handy and worth checking out. Make sure that your
supports are not splinted and cover the whole wrist. In addition always
buy a size bigger than you think you’ll need. The way these things hug
your arm, it’s important they’re not too tight, otherwise they may end up
doing the opposite of what they’re supposed to do. Similarly, don’t do
them up too tight either.
(Typing Position & Rests)
Next up is typing position and those rests that have become all the rage
recently for both mouse and keyboard. Unfortunately most people use
them incorrectly, possibly doing damage to their wrists and arms. If you
actually check out the instructions and any reputable typing guide, or
even the instructions that come with your rests, they should only be
used when you’re not typing. Using them while you’re typing actually
makes you stretch your wrists further, putting them under excess strain
for sometimes long periods of time.
I want you to try an experiment right now. Go open yourself a new text
document, and in your normal position, type out four or five lines, and
pay attention to how that feels. Don’t change anything at this point, just
give it a shot and watch.
When you’re done with that, open yourself a second document and
write another few lines, but this time, lift your wrists and your hands off
the keyboard and see how relaxed that feels compared to the other
method. You’ll also probably find that your arms get tired unless you
raise your shoulders and sit up a little straighter instead of slouching,
improving your posture at the same time. Give that a go now, see how it
feels. It might be worth repeating this for a week or so in all your work
until it becomes habit. As you can immediately feel, the strain on your
wrists is dramatically reduced.
(Regular Breaks)
Next up, is something that everyone tells you to do, even your family
and friends most likely if they see you at the computer for long periods
of time, and that’s to take regular breaks. When I say regular, I don’t
mean every four or five hours, which is so easy to do when you get
wrapped up in a piece of work as I’m sure you’ve already noticed, but
for a minute or so out of every twenty minutes. It’s only three minutes an
hour, but it’s positive effects are definitely worth it. Increase this time if
you want to, there’s nothing stopping you doing this then taking an extra
five minutes at the end of each hour. One thing I will say in addition to
this, don’t pull and prod, and stretch and curl your wrists when you take
this break. It’s supposed to take the pressure off and not be an extra
workout. They get enough of that when they’re put to work at your
(Go see the doc)
Finally, if you have any doubts, need further information, or are having
pains where there shouldn’t be any, go and see a physician. It may
seem like a lot of trouble over nothing, but what’s the use in having a
successful business if you’re not in top health to enjoy it?
Number Two – Alright, second up we have any eyesight problems.
There are several forms this can take, from short term blurry vision after
long periods of staring at the screen, to excessive watering, or a burning
sensation when you wake up in the morning and any form of dizziness.
All signs which are at the very least annoyances, and at the very worst;
problems that need to be sorted out early so you don’t go on to do any
long term damage.
(Regular Short Breaks)
The first thing that you need to do to prevent this happening, is of
course, take regular breaks again! A minute every twenty, five minutes
every hour, it’s up to you. This is your business now. You don’t have a
boss telling you to stare at a screen twelve hours a day with only one or
two breaks in between, even though you know that doing so isn’t
healthy. Find the right balance for yourself, and stick to it. While you’re
doing so, focus on something far away for a little while. I always find
that if I’ve got real wrapped up in a bunch of work and stopped after
many hours, there’s kind of a partial short term short sightedness after
all that staring. Not healthy. Focusing on something far away for a while
helps get rid of it, but taking those regular breaks and preventing it
altogether is a far better option.
(Go See Doc or optician)
Finally, if you have any long term problems, or a problem that exceed a
particular point of severity, it’s time to go and see an optician or
someone qualified to fix you up.
Number Three, we have back pains or stiffness, especially in the lower
back or shoulders. It’s possible that this could quite easily be your
posture and your general comfort when you’re sitting at your workplace.
A great example of this is when I moved into this place. When I walked
in all there was to sit on was a wooden chair. Eager to get on with this
business, before anything else was unpacked, or any new furniture was
bought, I spent a day, maybe a day and half sat on this chair. I’ll tell
you, my back hurt for days afterwards, and I was glad to get back to
normal. So if you’re sitting on an uncomfortable chair that makes you
feel like you slept in a strange position, it might be time to make an
investment in a large, reclining office chair, with cushioned seats and a
high back. They don’t cost a lot nowadays and are well worth the
Add to this a good lot of walking around during your break, a good
posture, helped by the position we talked about previously when we
discussed typing technique, and you have a great combination for many
comfortable working days.
Number Four, now here’s a little something that I had to deal with
myself, coming literally straight out of a standard nine to five job, turning
my efforts to working at home, spending many hours at the computer
trying to figure out all of these marketing techniques you see before
you. Making that switch isn’t as easy at seems. My friends used to say
to me, hey you’re lucky. You earn more money than I probably ever will
in the jobs that I go for, you get to work whenever you like for however
long you like, and do whatever you want whenever you want to do it. Of
course until they’ve experienced this for themselves, they don’t realize
it’s not quite that easy. Even business owners who use an office can
come home at the end of the day and forget about their work but us as
online marketers are different.
The computer and your work is always right there, right in front of you.
It’s all to easy to walk past the computer and find out an hour later that
you’ve just been going through business ideas in your head instead of
enjoying that time out that you planned. It can effect concentration and
sleep, especially if your computer and business tools are in a prominent
place in your house. So here’s the thing. To help you disconnect at the
end of the day, get that computer right out of your bedroom and your
sleeping area if it’s there. If you have a spare bedroom, why not make it
into an office if you haven’t done so already? It might allow you to get
your computer and work stuff out of your main living quarters, so that
when you go to relax, you really are relaxing and leaving it behind at the
end of the day.
The method of tying up lose ends and disconnecting is one that really
helped before I was able to remove my work from my main living
quarters, hence the reasons we’ve been doing that since the start of the
course in a really habit forming way through repetition.
Number Five, here’s a little something shocking I found out just over
eight months ago. Did you know that the average office space contains
thirty times more bacteria than the average toilet seat? That’s pretty
manky, but I can see how it happens. Grabbing some food, or a drink
after working, going out for a quick smoke, a couple of drinks around
the place, a few computer upgrades here and there. You know how it is.
I know personally my computer desk sees pretty much every part of my
life, and because of that, it gets a good solid anti-bac every night after
I’m done with it. For general health reasons, it might be good to just
chuck an anti bac spray can or a pack of wipes so you can quickly mop
up ready for the next morning, including your mouse and keyboard
especially. Cans of compressed air for your keyboard are also a must.
You can get these from many reputable office supply stores.
Number Six, moving to leg pains. Something that can come about for a
number of reasons. The ones I’m getting at right now are due to poor
circulation. A numb foot, calf pains and spasms could well be related to
your seating arrangements. Another good reason for you to head out
and buy a really good chair for yourself with good soft cushioning
behind the knees. It really is a top priority if we’re going to keep you
comfortable and everything in good working order.
In addition to this, get up and go for a walk every time you take one of
your breaks. Meanwhile you can be grabbing a drink, focusing on
something further away to re-align your eyes if needs be. It really is
beneficial. I gotta say as well, that this is pretty hard to do. I’m used to
talking about online marketing and business, not what you on a daily
basis and how you live your life, so if I sound like I’m doing anything
here but relaying information to you from my research as an online
marketer, than I apologize. That’s all this is, a little bit of handy info to
keep you in top condition, leaving your mind free to make your business
a success.
That’s it. That’s all there is to it. There’s not going to be a summary
section for healthy online marketing, because we’re all as bullet pointed
up as we can go with this.
Number seven, and finally, any other health worries or problems you
may have. Go see a doc, physician, psychologist, whoever can help
you. Solving problems is a big part of business, so is preventing
damage by putting precautionary measures in place. Are yours in place,
or are you doing yourself damage as we speak? A healthy business
owner equals a healthy business.
Overview on Final Thoughts
● To re-cover and re-iterate some of the most important points put
forward to you throughout the course, namely the biggest reasons you’ll
be successful, and the biggest reasons that may stop you from
achieving your goals, and talk about how to take advantage of them.
● To discuss the right frame of mind for business success, and show
you how to use this information to emulate the successful, and
ultimately get there yourself in the shortest period of time possible.
● To re-iterate the importance of staying healthy. A healthy business
owner means a far greater chance of a healthy business.
● To re-visit the habit forming exercise of taking your fifteen minutes out
after each days work, to show you now what you’ve achieved by doing
so throughout the course, where others who didn’t will have likely failed.
● To talk further about the development of your business, the time it’s
going to take, and the positive signs that you’ll be seeing, and should
have already begun to experience that show you that you’re heading in
the right direction.
● To introduce other aspects of online marketing that may prove helpful
for further learning in the future, and to show you that the way we’ve
done things is one of many methods that actually work.
● To persuade you to dive in head-first everyday.
A Few Last Words
Greetings, and welcome to a few last words. This section contains what
the title suggests, a few last words from us, a few additional tips and
tricks and several ways that you can keep yourself and your business
moving in that all important direction. Forward.
We’ve covered so much In the previous pages. I’d like to congratulate
you if you’ve got this far. Many will have given up, decided it’s not for
them, or just gone off and bought report after report and never actually
act on them, which is a shame, but there’s not much we can do about
that without mind control techniques. Let’s forget the others for now
though and concentrate on you. Surprisingly or not, the first thing I want
to talk to you about is moving forward.
Monitoring Your Success
At all times I want you to be looking at yourself and your business. Are
you moving forwards? What have you achieved in the passed 48 hours
working on your business? If you’re looking at the same page on your
screen, with the same content then it’s time to start asking questions
and looking for the problem.
I’m not saying you have to be super efficient all the time, we all have
good days and bad days, where we’ll inevitably get more or less done
that we know we should, but there’s this little problem of moving
onwards and upwards that many people can’t seem to grasp. If you’re
reading this, you’ve already proved that you have grasped this concept,
now as straight forward as it sounds, it’s amazing to see how people do
one of three things.
Factors That Hinder Success
The first is they either jump from guide to guide taking in the knowledge
but not doing anything about it, and never moving forward. This was me
several years ago, until I realized I actually had all this knowledge and
knew in depth and often more about a subject than the actual author. It
was time to start asking questions. Turns out I had all the knowledge
already, but just didn’t know it. Are you in the same position? Is it time
to stop reading and start acting on the knowledge that you’ve gained?
Second is the broken the vase syndrome related to being pro-active or
reactive. Imagine you wake up in the morning and decide you’re going
to clean the house up that day. You jump out of bed, jump in the shower
have breakfast, and wash the dishes afterwards, the clean the surfaces.
You’ve improved the kitchen already by cleaning the surfaces and doing
the dishes right? Not so, you’ve just been reactive, and carried out
required maintenance and things are now back to how they were when
you first woke up. No progress, just reactive maintenance.
So you head out to the hall ready to do some dusting, and on the way
out you break a vase, so out comes the Hoover, and you Hoover up all
the bits and take the broken bits outside, and make everything nice and
clean again. After putting your stuff away, you realize you cut your leg
on a sharp plant outside. No matter, you head upstairs, give it a clean
and place a plaster on it, then head back downstairs. What have you
achieved so far? Nothing at all. This is reactive maintenance also,
because there’s no progress, you’re literally just maintaining. It’s
important to distinguish between proactive and reactive, because quite
often you can come home after a hard days work and you might be so
tired and feel like you got a lot done and moved forward, when actually
all you did was pull out a bit of maintenance.
It’s the same with business. If you sit down at your computer and do
your maintenance, answer some mails, change the color of your site,
talk to a few people about what’s been going on, have a look at a few
products, there’s nothing here to move you forward. Create those
products, develop those products, enhance those ideas, write those
sales letters, contact those JV’s, gain knowledge and understanding
and get real tired doing it and I guarantee you’ll be moving forward at
such a fast pace no one will know how you’re doing it. Whilst they’re
tired and say things like “Wow I’m real tired and I still haven’t got much
done” now you know why, and how to avoid it. Of course maintenance
is a big part of every day life and needs to be done, but learn to
differentiate between the two, learn to spot them and recognize them
and you’ll immediately see a difference in your speed and efficiency.
Give it a go, and you won’t be disappointed.
This brings me on to the final type of person that doesn’t succeed. The
maintainer. The prettying up the website twelve times a year, the adding
bundles and bundles of stuff to a membership site and their current
market instead of creating new products and breaking into new markets
and creating multiple specialized income streams. Think about that next
time you go to redesign something. Are you redesigning because your
tracking tells you that your redesign will make more sales, pull more
leads or more resources? Or are you doing it because it doesn’t quite
look as nice as you’d like. Don’t get stuck in the circle of ever improving
without moving on, because you might just find yourself in the same
place in a year’s time, just with a slightly prettier website. Not proactive,
productive or profitable at all. I know many people who have fallen into
this trap, and in fact some people still in that trap and aren’t looking like
they’ll be getting out of it very soon. Avoid it at all costs and you’ll do
fine, move forward, move forward quickly, and gain valuable knowledge
and first hand experience along the way, something no one can put a
price on because It’s just that valuable.
These aspects are more important than most will ever discover for
themselves, and if you remember back to the top ten reasons for
success section, the above was put in there too, simply because I can’t
help but push this and push this because it really is the difference
between getting somewhere and not getting anywhere at all. There’s no
in between. This should be your top priority, more important than that
product creation, more important than making any sales, more
important than resource building or any marketing method anyone can
ever teach you.
Next up, lets look at your frame of mind. I honestly believe through
personal experience that being in the right frame of mind to get your
business moving onwards and upwards quickly is again, more important
than any marketing tactic that you can learn.
The best way without a doubt is to end your day with 15 minutes of
quiet thought. It’s like keeping a journal, and helps you not only prepare
for the day ahead, but sort out any problems you may have stumbled
upon without the need to get stressed about it. In addition, it’ll give you
a clear picture of exactly where to go next. Practice this often and within
a few days, you’ll start to see some positive and quite strange results.
Always look forward, and take that time out to look inwards from that
window (That’s you looking at yourself from outside a window to gain a
better perspective on what’s going on in your business) It’s real
important for your development and the development of your business.
If you haven’t experienced this yet, it’s all about evaluating your
situation and your business with an open mind. Like dreaming, sleeping,
it assists the organization of your thoughts. You’ll begin to see problems
and present solutions to them before they even happen. Hindsight is a
very powerful thing, and taking this important time out on a daily basis
allows you to prepare for future situations that may arise, which is
partially hindsight, but more crystal clear, focused and pure thinking at
it’s best. I haven’t met anyone that’s not capable of this yet, so if you’re
unsure, give it a shot and watch what begins to happen six or seven
sessions, and I assure you, you won’t be disappointed.
As important as the above is the way in which you end your day when
you’re working. Remember to disconnect, and I don’t mean just from the
Internet, I mean totally. This method of pulling off the relaxing and
reflection, looking from the outside in then after you’re done, whether it’s
ten minutes, or thirty minutes later, you turn your computer off for the
night. You leave your place of work, turn it off, and forget about
everything. Keeping your distance from your work isn’t something that’s
easy to do, especially if you have your computer in your bedroom. Even
working at home and walking past it ten times a day is enough to spark
thoughts, which will take your mind off your daily life and some of your
important daily tasks, and sometimes even disrupt sleep. This is
definitely something we want to avoid.
Let me ask you this, have you ever been called by your husband or
wife, or family member for something? Anything at all, either, dinner is
ready! Or ok, I’m ready to go out now, are we going? Or even more
likely, I’m off to bed now, are you coming too? And your reply comes
something like this. ‘Hold on! I’ll be there in a moment, I just need to do
this first’.
Another example of this type of mindset going full steam ahead is
coupled with the above examples, you have to keep getting out of bed
at night, or keep walking out the door ready to go, starting the car and
going back to the computer because you forgot to do something, or you
have to do something before you go. Classic one that.
This is why it’s important to do both of these exercises. Observe your
self, and your business, relax, look from the outside in, then when
you’re done, cut it off. Disconnect, turn your computer off safe in
knowledge you haven’t forgotten anything, you don’t need to worry
about anything and you don’t need to wake up in the middle of the night
and spend hours doing something that you planned to only take a few
minutes. Trust me on this one, I’m not giving you instructions on how to
run your life, far from it, but be careful not to get too involved all of the
time or that freedom and easy life progress you’ve made so far might
just evaporate. There’s speed, efficiency and determination, but then
there’s another level of speed efficiency and determination. Just
because you’re not working on your business longer than your body or
mind can comfortably handle, doesn’t mean that you’re slacking.
Next up comes a little something I’ve been a fan of since without
noticing it, I managed to develop random back pains, wrist pains and
aching, and short sightedness in my left eye and gain some four stone
in weight (which is all gone now finally).
Stay healthy. Above all, above everything taught in this guide stay
healthy. Take note of the keeping healthy section of the course. Get a
good chair, look after your back. Get some of those wrist supports one
size bigger than you need, type correctly, look after your wrists, and
look after your eyes and belly. Take regular breaks and pull regular
exercise, even if it means you go out and buy some weights and run a
little everyday.
Again, I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life by any means, but
it’s important to me that if you’re going to be a success in the future, you
come to me and say ‘Your report spurred me into action and I’m now
pulling in every month what I earned in my last job every year’ and not
‘Your report spurred me into action and I’m now pulling in every month
what I earned in my last job every year, but I gained a hundred pounds,
developed carpal tunnel syndrome, my back hurts and I can’t see much
anymore’. No way, not on my watch. Health is always number one. It’s
no good being successful if you’re too sick to enjoy it.
Prepare Yourself
We already talked about how things don’t always go to plan, when
launching new sites, when creating ad campaigns, contacting people,
creating joint ventures, whatever it might be, it’s possible it may go pear
shaped. Thankfully, this is rare, but prepare yourself, because if it does
happen you’ll need patience, you’ll need determination and a clear and
sharp mind to sort out problems quickly.
If you find yourself awake at 5am wondering why you didn’t go to bed
when you decided (five hours ago), don’t fret you’re not alone. In fact,
as I write this report it’s 6.20am, almost 24 hours after I started writing,
and I’m still here because the previous texts didn’t quite live up to the
standard I’d planned, and with the launch date drawing closer, it needs
to be done. Don’t do this intentionally mind, and don’t make a habit of it,
because it be very damaging to a lot of things including your health, but
when things don’t work out as planned, prepare to have to put more in
than you originally planned to.
In addition if you find yourself awake at ridiculous times and you find
you’re making a lot of mistakes and it’s just been a heck of a long day,
disconnect, turn off and walk away and continue tomorrow. There’s only
a need to do this on the odd occasion that something goes wrong with a
site launch. Everything else can wait.
Everlasting Ideas for Your Business
Keep your imagination and mind working at all times. Once you launch
your first product if you haven't already you will immediately begin to
see that ideas begin to come automatically. Unless you mix with your
market, it's very hard to come up with ideas to solve problems when you
don't know what the problem is in the first place.
Mix with your market. This is something that we all need to be doing on
at least a weekly basis, watching other people, watching their products
and their marketing methods, watching as their mailings come to you,
and looking at their techniques, their copy, their products and so on.
This isn’t for any reasons related to copying, we already talked about
emulation and how to carry this out correctly, taking someone else’s
methods and plugging them into your products without copying any
aspect from them at all. The reason for this is solely to keep your mind
awake and to keep it producing idea after idea after idea.
Here’s an example of how this works. In the last week, whilst actively
taking an interest in other marketers and what they’re doing, listening in
to their lists as a research tool as we already discussed earlier, I’ve
come up with no less than fifteen viable ideas for products and double
that number for methods of presentation. Some wild and some wacky,
but they are ideas all the same.
This is why it’s easier to pull ideas once you’ve launched your own
product and began to watch other marketers and ask why they’re doing
what they’re doing. You’re mixing with new marketing methods, creating
a basis for your tracking and new ideas, and you’re experiencing the
market first hand, allowing you to come up against, discover and
ultimately solve problems with your products through this research, your
experience, the scripts and services you use to promote your products,
and the guides you read. They’re all important to you in this way
because they will form the basis of your ideas. If you’re not mixing with
your market you won’t know any of the problems, and won’t be able to
solve them, and thus won’t have any product ideas.
As an additional note to this, those fifteen ideas I came up with is a
weekly occurrence because I’ve been doing this since 1999. Don’t
worry if you don’t reach that figure, don’t strain to reach it. Just one of
your ideas may turn out to be more profitable than all my fifteen put
together. By the time you’ve launched two or three products, using the
methods In this guide you’ll likely find that you don’t have enough time
in the world to bring all your ideas to life; you’ll be having too many of
them. So there we have it. Mix with your market. It will keep your
creative juices flowing, form the basis of new knowledge and
experiences and go down as one of the most important aspects of your
online marketing and idea creation processes.
Gradual Progress
Ok, moving on again, I should let you know that things are gradual. No
overnight millionaire mindset here. I’m not saying for a moment that it’s
slow, you can find yourself with a list of ten thousand plus from a single
product, even when starting out, a good bunch of contacts and a load of
Whilst moving forward it may help you to keep this in mind. ‘Keep your
business a real business’. Keep creating real products and selling sheer
quality to real people and you will move forward. Don’t get wrapped up
the craze and the dreams of millions in days. Have dreams sure, but I
don’t want anyone to wake up one morning and find themselves
misguided by some cowboy, or the focus taken away from their
business by some sort of earnings scheme that offers them something
for nothing, or a lot too quickly. You know the claims, the ones where
it’s almost too good to be true. No doubt you’ve heard this before, if it
seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t lose that real business
frame of mind, and remember what we’re about in this game. This will
allow you to protect yourself, your pocket, achieve focus and keep
moving towards your goals and that of your business without
distractions and the minimum of mistakes along the way. If you can
make sure that you’re moving forward and can see progress every time
you leave your workstation, you’re well on the way and have won half
the battle.
Keep Building Those Resources
- The Key to Quick Success
Next up, keep building those resources, every chance you get. Every JV
you pull, every ad you send, every person you contact, every person
that contacts you, subscribes to your list, or whatever. Start to think in
terms of resources instead of sales because these are the key to your
success, the resources not the sales. Of course the resources are there
to make you sales, but without them there’s little profit in online
marketing no matter how good you might be at promotion.
This brings me back to the previous point about gradual growth. It’s
important that you do not underestimate what you have at your
disposal. Just a small number of the quality resources that we already
talked about can be extremely profitable. A single JV can span multiple
products and several years for example. Just a single JV. A single
affiliate can pull in thousands of resources, just five thousand quality
subscribers can be responsible for thousands per month, and that’s
even before we look at joint ventures and affiliates. So you see, just
because you have to build resources, and I keep telling you that it won’t
be instant, I wouldn’t be surprised if most people are thinking a year or
two to get to where they want to be. Of course, it is gradual, business in
general as well as with your resource building, but depending on the
deals you pull and how quickly and effectively you can make the
progress using your knowledge, it’s not the several years job you might
be feeling a little anxious about.
An additional note to that, always keep your resources building each
other. Taking each resource, separating them into categories, and using
each one to build another often allows you to pull many times the profit
from a single set of resources that you may have previously kept
separate and only profited once from them.
Also remember what this does in terms of you vs. every other online
marketer out there. While they’re out there paying for ads over and over
and saying things like ‘This online marketing game is a scam I can
never make any profit’ or something to that effect for many years. This
is simply because they keep spending their money on stuff again and
again and not pulling anything from it but a few sales. Using the
methods you’ve learned here, build, and multiply, and let things
snowball, and before you know it, you won’t actually be cornered into
spending money on your promotion like all the rest that don’t
understand this resource building and multiplication technique.
Mistakes Are Good
Next up, my fave. Make lots of mistakes. We like mistakes, because
they teach us something every time we make them. If you’re not making
any mistakes, it’s time to look at the way in which you’re working. Are
you sticking to the stuff that you know best, and avoiding breaking new
ground because you’re worried about making mistakes?
This course is here to minimize the mistakes made when using these
methods, but that doesn’t mean you won’t make any at all. All of this
information is in our heads, yet we still make mistakes. Every time we
make one and find the solution, that’s another tool, another ally we can
add to our arsenal that we didn’t have before. Make mistakes, screw up
every now and then and learn something new, but be groundbreaking,
be pioneering, be imaginative and be confident.
In addition to the previous point, have you made a mistake? Excellent,
learn from it but don’t let it hold you back from trying something new or
going down that road again once you’ve gained more knowledge and
I Can’t, Because…
Finally, but equally as important as all that we’ve discussed so far, have
you ever spoken to someone who really wants to do something,
whether it’s set up a business, or travel somewhere, or do something
that they don’t necessarily do every day and when you’ve asked them
why they don’t do it, they say ‘I would, but..’ Often that but is followed by
something like ‘I don’t know how’ or ‘I’ll probably mess it up’ or ‘I don’t
know if it will work’. These a prime examples of condemning a project or
an attempt at a project to failure before it’s even been tried and prevents
that all important forward movement.
If you can say for a fact, something won’t work through research and
tracking, that’s fine, that’s common sense and logical deduction using
facts, but don’t scare monger or condition yourself to be worried about
biting the bullet and going for it. After all, what is there to stop you aside
from worries about something not working? In actuality, this isn’t
anything that’s stopping you, because you’re the one who controls your
own mind. It’s totally up to you.
Take the plunge. Never say I can't. Most of the time when people say
they can't, they can, but they either have to face a fear or give
something up to get what they want. Go for it. What is stopping you
launching your own products using the techniques here? Is there any
real reason that makes it not possible to move forward at this point?
All the best with your business!
● First, whole idea of this report, its goals, its summaries and write-ups
was to get you moving forward with your business.
● Whatever was stopping you previously from achieving success should
now be eliminated and through the methods you've been taught, you
will immediately be able to see if you're moving forward or not moving at
all with your business.
● Keep it moving forward at a pace. Don't get bogged down, watch
yourself closely. Are you being proactive or Reactive? Have you
progressed in the last 48 hours? If you're staring at the same things you
had two days ago, it's time to start asking questions.
● Remember what we talked about when looking at reasons for
success, these are the most important things to keep in mind, even over
product creation, actual marketing techniques or anything like that.
● You have to be in the right frame of mind to succeed, those relaxation
techniques, quiet time to evaluate the situation, looking from the outside
to in. Keep doing them and you will start to see an extreme rate of
development in your business.
● Once you're done working for the night, carry out the exercises then
disconnect and walk away. In addition health wise, keeping yourself up
at night worrying about your business won't do you and productive
● Stay healthy. I don't want anyone reading this to go off on a psycho
one, developing a bunch of products and getting rich if they're going to
destroy their health doing it. It’s no good being sick and successful.
● Prepare your self. Sheer dogged determination is sometimes needed
when the hours get long, and things don't always go as you planned
● Keep your imagination and mind working at all times. Once you
launch your first product if you haven't already you will immediately
begin to see that ideas begin to come automatically. Unless you mix
with your market, it's very hard to come up with ideas to solve problems
when you don't know what the problem is in the first place.
● Things are gradual. Don't expect to wake up rich one morning, we all
know it doesn't work like that in real business, again, keep moving
forward, and if you can see development and forward movement each
and every week, you've won half the battle.
● Keep building those resources. Every chance you get, these are the
key to your success. Building all five at the same time is easy when you
begin launching your own products. Wielding even a small number of
affiliates, customers, JVs, long-term customers and lists hold immense
power in so many situations.
● Keep your resources building each other. It's important that they are
all built together and managed correctly at all times. Keep this in mind
and you'll have an almost unlimited number of resources and little
trouble snowballing this at a faster and faster pace the more products
you launch.
● Make lots of mistakes. This course is here to minimize this, but as
with going to school or learning any new skill, without practicing it
literally, it's hard to get good. Making mistakes is good. Every single ‘do
this’ and ‘don’t do that’ piece of advice in this course has been pulled
from mistakes as well as successes.
● Made a mistake? Great, learn from it, and move on. Don't let it hold
you back or scare monger you into never trying anything new or trying
again when you have more experience. Similarly, don't let anyone scare
you off. The internet is full of all sorts of people, some will inevitably
take a frustrating day out on you through the business.
● Take the plunge. Never say I can't. Most of the time when people say
they can't, they can, but they either have to face a fear or give
something up to get what they want. Go for it. What is stopping you
launching your own products using the techniques here? Is there any
real reason that makes it not possible to move forward at this point?